Saturday, May 21, 2022

Kenyan Diaspora: Raila Odinga, Martha Karua ticket is a game changer

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo

The choice of honourable Martha Karua by Raila Odinga as his running mate for the Presidency in the August 9th election has been lauded by the Kenyan diaspora as a step in the right direction.  

Both Raila and Karua share similar values in their political journey. More importantly, they fought for Kenya’s second liberation, have never been involved in any graft scandal, and above all, they are value-driven in their public life.

As a personal friend, I know Martha Karua as a distinguished lawyer but, her biggest strength is her humility, incorruptibility, and a strong sense of patriotism.

Like Odinga, who endured detention without trial for 9 years during the reign of the late President Daniel Moi, Martha Karua is brave, firm, bold, and principled. She stood up against Moi’s leadership excesses when it was almost an abomination to openly criticize Kenya’s second President.

As an ardent supporter of the late President Mwai Kibaki, Odinga’s running mate stood for what she thought was right without compromising her principles.

As we stride towards the next election, there is a clear indication that honourable Karua has energized the Azimio la Umoja campaign, especially in her home turf of Mount Kenya. The entire country is excited which is a clear demonstration of what is to come when Kenyans will cast their votes in August.

“The Kenya diaspora is elated; our hopes are sky high. Choosing a woman as running mate in a major presidential ticket demonstrates Odinga’s commitment towards women empowerment and the girl child in our growing democracy.” Said Geoffrey Nyamue, the media coordinator for Azimio la Umoja coalition in New Jersey.

Mr Robert Owino Ndede who resides in New York had this to say, “I’m glad that two leaders who have been in the trenches fighting for the freedom we enjoy will lead the Kenyan government as President and deputy.”

Professor Charles Choti, who resides in Maryland and an admirer of honourable Karua’s political mantra lauded the ticket but sounded diplomatic. Choti argued that the Azimio coalition needs the former Vice president Kalonzo Musyoka to galvanize the Kamba vote. He opines that dismissing him will grant the Kenya Kwanza leader William Ruto a chance to lure Kalonzo into his camp which may complicate Odinga’s numbers in Ukambani.

 The majority of Kenyans in the diaspora who support Odinga, believe in the “gather all scatter none.”  “Those who love Jakom shouldn't dismiss the former Vice president. We need numbers; we need votes to win decisively in August. Kalonzo, is merely fighting for his political space which we all do. He needs to be brought back but not scorned as if he has committed an abomination.” Says Hellen Onyango who resides in Philadelphia.

The diaspora has continued to be Odinga’s bastion for many decades. This is because he acknowledges the role, they play in nation building away from home. During a recent visit by Odinga to Britain and United States, he was accompanied by one of Kenya’s brilliant diaspora scholars- Prof. Makau Mutua. This is a clear indication that Odinga, is likely to factor the diaspora in his administration to address the challenges facing them.

It must be remembered that William Ruto has promised to create a full-fledged government Ministry for diaspora affairs, which has earned him a sizable number of backers, especially in the United States. We don’t doubt Odinga’s understanding of diaspora representation and voting rights which he has spoken about for many decades. With the likes of Prof Makau and ambassador Elkanah Odembo in his fold, Odinga is likely to feature the diaspora in his coming administration.

It’s a step in the right direction for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (EBC) to have included the US, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and South Africa as countries where Kenyans will be facilitated to participate directly in the Presidential election.

With the understanding that democracy is a gradual process, the Kenyan diaspora hopes that in future, those who are domiciled abroad will be able to exercise their universal suffrage to vote for all elective seats like MCAs, MPs, Senator, and governors.

While other junior elective positions are critical for the success of any nation, the presidency is the citadel. Therefore, the opportunity for the diaspora to vote for Kenya’s chief executive is a boon to our democracy, good governance, and respect for human rights.

The diaspora is also willing to contribute campaign logistics, and ideas as well as mobilise the ground for Odinga’s clear victory. Encouragingly, many Kenyans living in the Middle East, Europe and US have started to travel to Kenya to campaign for the Odinga, Karua presidential ticket.

The Kenya Patriotic Movement (KEPAM) which played an instrumental role in Odinga’s campaign in 2017 under the NASA coalition has reaffirmed its commitment once again to support the ODM leader. The lobby will work closely with other diaspora groups in Europe, Asia, North America, and the African continent to ensure that Odinga is elected President in August.

The lobby which is based in the US through its chairman Lister Nyaringo has confirmed to participate in physical campaigns, rallying Kenyans to travel home during the election period and vote, as well as mobilizing resources and other logistics for the Odinga, Karua campaign.

Odinga’s support base amongst Kenyans is intact in Europe, the US, and the Middle East just like where it was in 2017. The Kenyan diaspora is more united than ever under the banner of Azimio la Umoja to ensure that two reformists ascend to power to rekindle Kenya’s lost hopes.

It must be remembered that the economic boom, infrastructure development, and stability in the country during the grand coalition government are attributed to Odinga, when he served as Prime Minister. There is hope that he could do more if he takes over as President.

The diaspora believes that Odinga’s Presidency will address critical challenges like the clause on duo citizenship which has complicated lawyer Miguna Miguna’s re-entry into the country as well as making the appointment of Mwende Mwinzi, Kenya’s current ambassador to South Korea cryptic.   

It is imperative for the diaspora to be factored into Kenya’s governance. This is the surest way to appreciate the unsurpassed contribution of the country’s external constituency to Kenya's economic development. 

Lister Nyaringo is the President of the Kenya Patriotic Movement a diaspora lobby based in the US


1 comment:

Geoffrey Nyamue said...

Good job Mr president. Raila Karua ticket is the hope our country needs

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