Monday, September 11, 2017

Kenyans In The Diaspora Warn Jubilee Regime From Meddling In The Electoral Process

Kenyans in the diaspora under a lobby group Kenya Patriotic Movement ‘KEPAM’ which brings together Kenyans at home and abroad in the pursuit for social justice, civic awareness, fairness
in the electoral processes, equity and equality would like to make the following statement:

We want to warn the Jubilee government led by President Uhuru Kenyatta to stop meddling in the electoral process…
We further would like to remind the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission ‘IEBC’ that Kenyans may not participate in the repeat Presidential election which is slated on 17th October unless key steps are taken to ensure fairness in the process.
We cannot acknowledge piecemeal measures the commission is taking like staff changes. Unless the electoral body consults key stakeholders for shared arrangements in the repeat election, Kenyans will not have any confidence in what they are doing since their integrity remain questionable after the Supreme Court nullifying President Uhuru’s victory.
The Kenyan diaspora want to question the capacity of one Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi, whom in collaboration with IEBC Chair Mr. Wafula Chebukati arrived at the date of the election re-run of October 17th, 2017 unilaterally without consulting with the stakeholders.
Why is the Jubilee government meddling in the electoral process?
We would therefore like to standby and honour the ruling of the Supreme Court in Kenya which stated that a repeat of the election should be in another sixty (60) days to avoid yet another shambolic election re-run.
As diaspora, we are aware that Kenya’s current President does not enjoy full legitimacy. We condemn the public demonstrations by his government not only as a disrespect and abuse to the country judiciary through our dignified Chief Justice Justice David Kenani Maraga but also to the constitution and the citizens of Kenya. All this is owing to the Supreme Court of Kenya rendering judgment not in favour of the Jubilee Party.
President Uhuru and his deputy have both committed a crime by incoherently attacking the Chief Justice, without demonstrating dignity and addressing the public whilst in an impaired judgment.
Constitutionally, sovereignty vests in the people and can only be exercised by the Executive on behalf of the people. The Government hold their offices in trust of the people they are but mere public servants elected by the people to serve the people.
The President has no powers whatsoever to give orders, disband, fix or adjudge the Judiciary.
Our Judiciary has elevated the country globally as a beacon of hope for democracy. We therefore want to move in the same tempo in order to be at par with other democratic giants in the world.” Said Veronica Bonao from the United Kingdom.
“We cannot allow the respect we have earned in the global stage through the integrity of CJ Maraga and his team by a rogue electoral body led by Chebukati to be whitewashed.” We are ready to protect it for posterity.” Said Nyaringo, who is also the President of Kenya patriotic Movement, the diaspora lobby group.
We call upon strict adherence to the country’s constitution by the IEBC. Furthermore, the Jubilee government must refrain from engaging the Security forces to subvert the determination of Kenyans who are thoroughly oppressed and are ready to exercise their democratic right to elect a leader of their choice as stipulated in the Kenyan constitution.
The constitution is very clear on separation of powers between the executive, judiciary and the legislature and the functions of independent constitutional bodies which aid in governance like the IEBC.
Mr Tom Mogondo from Kansas observes this: “We demand the entire IEBC Secretariat to be overhauled. “If an invigilator helps a student to cheat in an exam, he or she must face the law but when the IEBC boss gets accolades from the government, it’s a clear reflection that the two are in cohort”
We want to challenge the IEBC to tell Kenyan voters that they are guilty based on their result outcome post election held on August 8th, 2017.Technology mechanisms they have put in place to ensure that what transpired under their watch on August 8th cannot be repeated and the device must be open to the public to vet.
The diaspora are ready to offer their inputs to the integral officials of the IEBC if called upon in order to ensure that there is fairness in the process of electing our President.
The coming Presidential election will be epic. That’s why all stakeholders must be involved in planning.
The IEBC should not take Kenyans for a ride. The ruling by the Supreme Court had serious ramifications. Ignoring its orders is tantamount to contempt of court.
We want to remind the President to give room for Judicial independence.
Signed by:
Joseph Lister Nyaringo- New Jersey, Sally Olembo-Florida,Tegi Obanda-CanadaVeronica Bonao-UK,Christine Nordström_ Sweden,Anna Walter-UK,Eric Omune-Gulf,Tom Mogonda-Kansas,Dr George Omburo-New Jersey,Jectone Oyoo-Texas, Ali Abdo Ali-UK.

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