Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kenyan Diaspora Group in the US Petitions the Trump administration to Intervene on Kenya's Repeat Election stalemate

A Kenyan diaspora lobby group has written to Donald Trump Administration seeking to have the administration pressurize Kenya over the repeat presidential election set for October 26th.
In their petition, Kenya Patriotic Movement (KEPAM) has expressed its worries over the rising tension surrounding the fresh poll following Supreme Court decision that nullified incumbent President Uhuru's August 8th victory.
"As Kenyan Americans under the banner of a lobby group called Kenya Patriotic Movement (KEPAM) ( ) we are a worried lot about the tension that is piling up in our mother country following the annulment of a Presidential election held on August 8th," their petition reads in part.
It adds: "The ghosts of the post-election violence of 2007/2008 are fresh in our memories. A repeat of the same will completely undermine Kenya’s peace, ruin investor confidence, hurt the tourism sector and even endanger the wellbeing of the diplomatic community in the country,".
The group points out to the significance of Kenya's stability, being home to International bodies and institutions.
"Remember, Kenya is home to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) as well as the United Nations centre for human settlement (Habitat). This makes the country the only developing country with a high caliber UN office,".
The group has appealed to Trump's administration through Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, to mount pressure on the Kenyan government and the country’s electoral commission (IEBC) to agree and implement minimum reforms before a repeat Presidential election conducted.
" This is the surest way to ensure that the exercise is free, fair and credible,".
The group further puts a reference of the post election skirmishes that rocked the country after the 2007 disputed presidential poll, which they say should be prevented at all costs.
"A stolen election catalyzed massive violence in 2007/2008 which made Kenyans kill each other. The same is likely to happen again if contingency measures are not put in place to avert it,".
They also accuse President Uhuru of beating drums of war following the invalidation of his victory by the apex court early this month.
"The Supreme Court annulled the Presidential election on September 1st where it cited massive irregularities and illegalities. The faction of the incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta is beating war drums by accusing the Supreme Court’s ruling in favour of the opposition leader Raila Odinga,".
" The political opposition which won the court petition for the election annulment wants minimum electoral reforms so that there will be a level playing field in the Presidential contest,".
"The current Kenyan government is afraid of reforms since it could have been a beneficiary of the bungled election annulled on September 1st. The electoral body is coerced by the incumbent to let the status quo remain. Regular citizens are afraid," it notes.
"The diplomats fear for their safety. Foreign investors are ambivalent to pursue or increase investment in Kenya. Also, Kenya boarders the volatile Somalia region, which is home to Al-Shabaab terrorist group who may take advantage of the current tension in the country to carry out their evil mission like they have done before,".
"We believe the USA is our big brother in terms of strengthening democratic institutions, advancing Peace and Security and supporting economic development in Kenya. Anything that jeopardizes the rule of law, social justice, peace and tranquility will affect these. In fact, if Kenya is hurt it may affect the US and the larger international community," It concludes.
KEPAM is lobby is officially registered in New Jersey and has close partnership with KEPAM Nairobi.
The Petition can be found here .

Friday, September 22, 2017

Message to Kenyans

By Reuben Kigame
Great people of Kenya, allow me to use this platform to say a few things that are intended to bring us together and foster sanity and responsibility at a difficult time in the history of our country. I know that given my handicap and the attitudes, some of you may have towards “another mere citizen,” it is easy to ignore me; but just grant me your ear and circulate this if you can because I desire it to reach as many of us as possible.

I love each of you and believe in our common purpose and destiny as a people. I send this out as one uncommitted to any side of the current divide and beg you to at least read and then discard if you wish. 

Most of us are exhausted from the long electioneering process of 2017. Businesses are not doing well and some, like mine, have had to close altogether. It is tough making ends meet, taking our children to school or keeping up with the news. People from across the divide are angry and approaching levels of insanity in their utterances and behavior.

For whatever this piece is worth, I want to put one point across in praise of the Kenyan citizenry. It has made me proud to be, Kenyan. When I think of the patience, restraint, endurance of tension no nation could have endured no matter how civilized, I must heartily thank every citizen for behaving most civilly I can think of.

So, believe you me or not, my only message to each of you as my brother and sister, keeps the peace and don’t let go. Let’s not allow ourselves to be divided at the tail end of a process we have handled so well this far. Like gold tried through fire, we will come out stronger and more glorious. We must hold each other close.

So let me finish by saying a few words to our leaders, on behalf of the country’s majority:
1.    IEBC – Chebukati and team, I know you have been on the receiving end, and you must already be fatigued from the process. I advise that you seek God’s wisdom first because you need it badly. Each party is exhausted from the process and so the next few weeks will be very trying for you. You have been accused of some grave matters.

As an independent institution, please don’t be swayed by any side on doing what is right. The noise around you is from those interested to get power; but out here there are great, hard-working and patient Kenyans whose lives and destinies must not be compromised by any careless decisions or actions on your part.

Given the recent revelations, kindly find the culpable who may have messed up the election process, have them step aside and assure both parties of a free and fair election.

As citizens, we are accused of many things, but you will never accuse us of impatience or failing to participate in this process. Please don’t rush to make statements you have not checked or thought through carefully. You are here for a time as this. Kindly seek dialogue with both sides and listen to each of these leaders; they are Kenyan too, then make your independent judgment.

2.    To your Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta – Together with your deputy, really sorry for what you have gone through to the point of enduring an annulled election. You can be credited for being quite resilient and must be congratulated for bringing our nation this far during your tenure the last five years or so.

I, however, request – even beg - that you kindly change your rhetoric entirely from that of anger and talking down on the supreme court as well as Hon Raila. Perhaps it would just be wise, knowing you are exhausted too, to just concentrate on persuading us for your votes. Don’t attack the court; you may need it.

We all need it. We can all revisit the arguments, but we don’t have time for anything else except the desire to a peaceful transition. You have endured worse attacks in the past. Just do your best to rally the country together and sell your agenda. We will have to pick either you or Hon Raila anyway. Sorry for what you have gone through, but, reading you like anyone else who has gone through adversity, wipe your brow and soldier on.

Nothing is lost yet; there is an election coming. Just convince us of what you could do with another five years given to you by us as citizens, but ultimately by God, given that chance. Tone down and move on. Those around His Excellency, please help him and stay close and speak encouragement instead of going over and over the pain of an annulled election.

3.    For Hon Raila Amolo Odinga and team – You are great Kenyans. Jadwong baba, we respect you for the many sacrifices you have made in the fight for multiparty democracy in this country, and many of us are enjoying the fruits of those sacrifices today because of you.

You were in detention several times unfairly because you fought for justice. You have sacrificed many big opportunities to become Kenya’s president before and instead supported others, thus fulfilling the biblical injunction of “counting others better than yourself.”

In that light, Mzee, you have been a shining example. I know, baba (and I call you so from a different standpoint – that of you qualifying to be my dad in reality) you have endured a lot. You have another opportunity because either you or His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, will get this opportunity to lead us; might you find it in your heart to listen to a small piece of advice?

The court has ruled, and we will go to another election. Might it be possible for you to just take the remaining time and sell us your agenda? Just give us reasons why we should vote for you. Could you tone down the pain and anger and begin to show us what you would look like as a leader if we gave you a chance?

Is it possible to tone down your anger against the process, or Jubilee and break down your manifesto for us? We have proved civil in many ways; with a tired population, could you kindly work with Uhuru and your two teams, NASA and Jubilee, and bring us together as a people?

4.    To the media – Fellow media men and women, you have played a significant role in informing us of the ongoing in many elections. Sometimes you have done well, and many times you have let us down too. Could you kindly restrain from opinionated and give us news?

Could you minimize these interviews where all we hear in a one-hour bulletin is more than forty minutes of opinions by so-called experts? Could you restrain from aligning on either side? Could you help those with vernacular coverage to desist from dividing us into tribal lines?

Could you take a quick reminder that Kenya is for all of us, regardless of our political affiliations? Could you please lead, given your access to numbers? Could you please play a mediating role for all of us? After all, you are media; will you not mediate?

5.    Lastly, to my clergy friends. You are too quiet. You are the representatives of Heaven here. Will you stay silent when we need to hear from God? Will you take sides or be cowed by partisanship? Aren’t our churches full of congregants from different walks of life and political groupings?

Can you stay silent? What is God saying? What does His Word say about this time? Do you really love everyone the same? Do you pray for one side of the divide and silently curse the other? If you do so, you will not be worthy of your calling.

If you have already taken sides, it is time for you to go before God and repent. That should not happen at all. This is the position we must all take at all times being servants of God. God loves Jubilee members and leaders the same way He loves NASA members and leaders. For a reminder, He made them all in His image. 

God loves the Atheist, the Agnostic, the witch, the Christian, the Muslim, the Hindu, the Israeli, the Palestinian. God loves India and God loves Kashmir.

God loves President Uhuru, and god loves Hon Raila Odinga. We must pray for them and love them, but also correct them equally if they go astray. I must remind, too, that God loves IEBC officials and we must support and pray for them.

God has put you all here and all of us here for a time as this. We are alive now so that we step into our places of responsibility and save the nation currently, but most significantly, our posterity, to which we must bequeath the future.

In closing, if you are on social media, you are a media owner. Please remember that there is a time to speak and a time to stay silent. How many of you have ever spoken through silence? Remember that every idle word we utter will be judged by God.

God bless you and God bless Kenya

Raila Odinga Calls President Uhuru a DICTATOR Who wants to cling to power like Yahya Jammeh of Gambia

Monday, September 11, 2017

Kenyans In The Diaspora Warn Jubilee Regime From Meddling In The Electoral Process

Kenyans in the diaspora under a lobby group Kenya Patriotic Movement ‘KEPAM’ which brings together Kenyans at home and abroad in the pursuit for social justice, civic awareness, fairness
in the electoral processes, equity and equality would like to make the following statement:

We want to warn the Jubilee government led by President Uhuru Kenyatta to stop meddling in the electoral process…
We further would like to remind the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission ‘IEBC’ that Kenyans may not participate in the repeat Presidential election which is slated on 17th October unless key steps are taken to ensure fairness in the process.
We cannot acknowledge piecemeal measures the commission is taking like staff changes. Unless the electoral body consults key stakeholders for shared arrangements in the repeat election, Kenyans will not have any confidence in what they are doing since their integrity remain questionable after the Supreme Court nullifying President Uhuru’s victory.
The Kenyan diaspora want to question the capacity of one Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi, whom in collaboration with IEBC Chair Mr. Wafula Chebukati arrived at the date of the election re-run of October 17th, 2017 unilaterally without consulting with the stakeholders.
Why is the Jubilee government meddling in the electoral process?
We would therefore like to standby and honour the ruling of the Supreme Court in Kenya which stated that a repeat of the election should be in another sixty (60) days to avoid yet another shambolic election re-run.
As diaspora, we are aware that Kenya’s current President does not enjoy full legitimacy. We condemn the public demonstrations by his government not only as a disrespect and abuse to the country judiciary through our dignified Chief Justice Justice David Kenani Maraga but also to the constitution and the citizens of Kenya. All this is owing to the Supreme Court of Kenya rendering judgment not in favour of the Jubilee Party.
President Uhuru and his deputy have both committed a crime by incoherently attacking the Chief Justice, without demonstrating dignity and addressing the public whilst in an impaired judgment.
Constitutionally, sovereignty vests in the people and can only be exercised by the Executive on behalf of the people. The Government hold their offices in trust of the people they are but mere public servants elected by the people to serve the people.
The President has no powers whatsoever to give orders, disband, fix or adjudge the Judiciary.
Our Judiciary has elevated the country globally as a beacon of hope for democracy. We therefore want to move in the same tempo in order to be at par with other democratic giants in the world.” Said Veronica Bonao from the United Kingdom.
“We cannot allow the respect we have earned in the global stage through the integrity of CJ Maraga and his team by a rogue electoral body led by Chebukati to be whitewashed.” We are ready to protect it for posterity.” Said Nyaringo, who is also the President of Kenya patriotic Movement, the diaspora lobby group.
We call upon strict adherence to the country’s constitution by the IEBC. Furthermore, the Jubilee government must refrain from engaging the Security forces to subvert the determination of Kenyans who are thoroughly oppressed and are ready to exercise their democratic right to elect a leader of their choice as stipulated in the Kenyan constitution.
The constitution is very clear on separation of powers between the executive, judiciary and the legislature and the functions of independent constitutional bodies which aid in governance like the IEBC.
Mr Tom Mogondo from Kansas observes this: “We demand the entire IEBC Secretariat to be overhauled. “If an invigilator helps a student to cheat in an exam, he or she must face the law but when the IEBC boss gets accolades from the government, it’s a clear reflection that the two are in cohort”
We want to challenge the IEBC to tell Kenyan voters that they are guilty based on their result outcome post election held on August 8th, 2017.Technology mechanisms they have put in place to ensure that what transpired under their watch on August 8th cannot be repeated and the device must be open to the public to vet.
The diaspora are ready to offer their inputs to the integral officials of the IEBC if called upon in order to ensure that there is fairness in the process of electing our President.
The coming Presidential election will be epic. That’s why all stakeholders must be involved in planning.
The IEBC should not take Kenyans for a ride. The ruling by the Supreme Court had serious ramifications. Ignoring its orders is tantamount to contempt of court.
We want to remind the President to give room for Judicial independence.
Signed by:
Joseph Lister Nyaringo- New Jersey, Sally Olembo-Florida,Tegi Obanda-CanadaVeronica Bonao-UK,Christine Nordström_ Sweden,Anna Walter-UK,Eric Omune-Gulf,Tom Mogonda-Kansas,Dr George Omburo-New Jersey,Jectone Oyoo-Texas, Ali Abdo Ali-UK.

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By Joseph Lister Nyaringo Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's potential exit from President William Ruto's government could be a ble...