Sunday, October 16, 2016

Senator Chris Obure and group are misleading the Abagusii community

Senator Chris Obure and group are misleading the Abagusii community
It’s now clear that the pursuit of Abagusii Unity spearheaded by Senator Chris Obure and former CIC chairman Charles Nyachae is opportunistically clothed.
They begun the unity crusades dubbed “obomo bw’omogusii” with vigour, colour, style and splendor; reminding the Abagusii community the utility of being in government led by President Uhuru Kenyatta after the 2017 election. They however failed to tell the people how sure they are that Uhuru will be re-elected for a second.
First of all, I challenge Senator Chris Obure to tell the people of Gusii what he has done for them in the last 46 years he has been in active politics; serving in powerful dockets- Finance, Labour, Public works and Foreign Affairs during the Moi and Kibaki Presidency!

Secondly, I want to challenge Charles Nyachae, why he failed to use his legal prowess to lure Uhuru and Ruto to join Ford People, the party his father used to herd the Abagusii community in a failed presidential bid in 2002?

Disbanding an old political party like Ford People to join Jubilee is not only puerile, but extremely illogical.

The trend of disbanding old parties to join amorphous outfits merely for election not only serves political interests but inhibits good governance and democratic growth in the country. Kenyans want political parties wants to see political parties become replicas of the ANC of South Africa, CCM of Tanzania and Labour Party of Britain.

One wonders where the Party of National Unity (PNU) which Kibaki used for re-election in 2007 and the National Rainbow Coalition (Nark) which brought him to power in 2002 are today!

Statehouse delegations are not illegalities except when they are turned to avenues for political favours and herding communities, which is a travesty to democracy and devolution in the country.

Of all the delegations to Statehouse, the one led by Kisii Senator Obure and CIC was more dramatic than the ones from Ukambani, Luhyaland and Coast. This is because, Obure plays oversight roles in the Senate to ensure that devolution is strengthened at the Counties.

Secondly, Charles Nyachae was tasked with the implementation of the current constitution and therefore should be more informed since the current constitution is very clear on development and regional balance in the allocation of jobs. Above all, Kenyan taxpayers have a right to have access to development and get government jobs; political affiliations notwithstanding.

Begging Uhuru and Ruto for these rights for the people of Gusii is not only enhancing the politics of sycophancy but also, ploughing Kenya back to the old repugnant days of Kanu.

Kisii deputy governor Joash Maangi, seems to have borrowed nothing from his studies in the USA, especially on governance and democratic leadership. Instead, he is dueling on antiquated leadership Practices which don’t conform to modern times. Maangi, has completely abdicated his responsibilities and his main task is to undermine governor James Ongwae to please his Jubilee masters.
While the Jubilee Party is making forays in Kisii and Nyamira Counties, the ground has not been easy to penetrate. During a recent funeral at Bobasi Sub county, Obure and Charles Nyachae were forced to cut short their speeches due to hostility from a section of mourners who accused them of misleading the community to join Jubilee.
Secondly, when deputy President Ruto visited Gusii recently, he was only received by the Nyaribari Chache MP Richard Tong’i and the Kisii deputy governor. The rest who had expressed interest to join Jubilee party chickened out. Who knows they have sensed that their dalliance with the Jubilee government will dent their political careers!
The ODM renegades from Gusiiland needs to remember that blackmailing ODM leader, Raila Odinga, will not endear them to the electorates who know how deep the Jubilee government has marginalized the region. Majority of Kisiis who were displaced from the Rift Valley during the Post-election violence never got any government compensation even after their counterparts from Mt Kenya were given land and monetary compensation to a tune of Kshs. 400,000 per person.

Like all other communities in Kenya, the Abagusii stands strong in support of the Spirit and letter of Devolution, as enshrined in Kenya Constitution, 2010. This is the surest way to enhance, advance and promote the aspect of equality, equity, fairness and better governance in the country.
What is expected of our leaders is to strengthen devolution through legislation, oversight, and increased allocation of funds to counties by the national government.

Therefore, the unity pursued by Kisii leaders led by Obure and Nyachae under the aegis of development sets a negative precedence and if not curbed will alienate regions which didn’t vote for the current regime and therefore render the current constitution irrelevant.

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