Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Why did Kenyans ignore candidates like Peter Kenneth, Prof Ole Kiyiapi, Martha Karua, and Abduba Dida, and vote for a President and deputy who are slowly destroying our Country?

No wonder, we were fore-warned by the West on the repercussions of voting for individuals accused of crimes against humanity but we buried our heads and now, we are harvesting the consequences of our choices.
Today, the very crimes Uhuru and Ruto are accused of at the ICC continue to manifest through different ways in our country- deadly attacks in the Tana Delta, Bungoma killings, mysterious killings of Muslim clerics and lately, the Mpeketoni massacre.

The list is even higher if I would include the perennial explosive attacks in our urban centres and the Westgate terror attacks last September.

In spite of the malpractices in the last polls, Kenyans in a tune of millions voted Jubilee. Otherwise, there was no way Uhuru Kenyatta, would have found room to manipulate the votes if the count-differential between him and Raila Odinga was wide.

As voters, if we had voted the right person into office, perhaps we would not be experiencing the current challenges which are almost tearing a sunder the social fabric of our nation… Kenya is like a bomb ready to explode. Perhaps if it were not the ICC, Kenya will be flowing with human blood today.

Back to the last polls, I’m convinced that if we had voted either Abduba Dida, Martha Karua, Peter Kenneth, Ole Kiyiapi or even the man who is sending cold shivers in the Jubilee leadership; Raila Odinga, they would have done a better job than Uhuru Kenyatta.

The President is not worried of anything so long as his power is intact. He is full of verbose without results. He talks tough but ignores wise counsel. Just recently, while in a funeral at Rongo, the Migori Senator, Wilfred Machage gave him the “best” advise publically’ almost similar to another one given by Dr. Bonny Khalwale last month when the President toured Western Kenya.

Sadly enough, Uhuru does not heed advice…is word is law. This is how we are reminded in the book Proverbs12:1: the person who loves correction loves knowledge, but anyone who hates a rebuke is stupid. It’s therefore upon Kenyans to gauge the type of President they have.

Our poor voting patterns…
The general view that poverty and ignorance compels Kenyans to vote the way they vote is pure hogwash! If we were so ignorant to vote for Uhuru, how come in a span of one year, we now have sanity to point out his flaws handling matters of state? In other words, what has Uhuru done to reduce our poverty? Are we richer and better than we were in March 2013 before Uhuru was sworn in as President?

In my opinion, the failed Uhuru Presidency is the best form of civic education for Kenyan voters. In future, we all need to think twice before we entrust the future of our country on wrong hands. We need to think twice before casting our votes during an election.

Don’t forget, a right governor, MCA, MP, Senator and President are likely to ensure our peace and security and socio economic development. Don’t forget, the Jubilee government is a travesty to our spiritual lives because even the houses of worship are not safe.

Kenyans, we need to change our mentality on the way we see and think about those aspiring to lead us. Let us not pocket Kshs 100 and vote wrong people into office and within a short span, we start whining. In any case, did those who receive handouts from Ruto and Uhuru during the campaigns ever questioned how the two attained their massive wealth?

Back on the goofs of Cabinet Secretary Joseph Ole Lenku, my view is that, those blaming the man are extremely unfair. If the chief executive officer in a company experiences incompetency from junior employee; shall the CEO wait for the staff to step down or fire that person immediately and replace him with a competent one to safeguard the interests of the company?

Why blame Ole Lenku when the appointing authority- Uhuru Kenyatta sees no wrong? If sanity was prevailing in the Uhuru leadership, Lenku would have been fired immediately after the Westgate tragedy. This is where the rain started beating our nation over insecurity. And now, the Mpeketoni massacre has added more insult to injury.

Uhuru Kenyatta, cannot withstand the rigours of the Presidency and the MOST honourable thing for him to do is to step aside. As one MP in Jubilee hinted, Uhuru and Ruto were not prepared for their current task. If they did, we would not experience perpetual contradictions, confusion, and lose of innocent lives through insecurity.

While it’s a tall order for Uhuru Kenyatta to step down, let him edit his public pronouncements, reshuffle his security chiefs, tame his handlers like Kabando wa Kabando, Aden Duale, Kithure Kindiki and his deputy William Ruto. This will thaw the animosity they elicit before the public.

Uhuru loves his seat but he needs to safeguard it by doing the right things for Kenyans. How many times shall he talk about negligence and abdication of responsibilities by his security personnel?

Since he has opined that his security was aware of the Mpeketoni massacre, what is Mutea Iringo, Michael Gichangi, Ndegwa Muhoro, Julius Karangi, Raychelle Omamo, and David Kimayo, and the man many Kenyans are pointing fingers at; Joseph Ole Lenku, doing in office?

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