Wednesday, June 4, 2014


We are a re-awakening MASS MOVEMENT DUBBED KENYA PATRIOTIC ACTION (KPA) whose clarion call is to sensitize every Kenyan from Moyale to Namanga; Mount Elgon to Liboi, to rise up irrespective of tribe; creed or gender to participate and pave the way for a mass based leadership in the Country. Waiting for an election to replace failed governments with dictatorial tendencies especially in Africa is a tall order.

Remember, all revolutions in the world are triggered by the pursuit to overcome a crisis. In Kenya, we have a serious crisis and it’s upon all the affected citizens who are in fact the majority to act in order to save our land from total ruin.

The revolution is for all the people of Kenya whom the current regime dubbed hustlers/ sufferers as their campaign clarion. It’s therefore not against Kikuyus or Kalenjins just because of Uhuru and Ruto, at the helm.

These is not a time to wait for the civil society or freedom fighters like Muite, Orengo, Gitobu Emanyara, Raila Odinga, Kenneth Matiba, Charles Rubia, James Orengo, Philip Gachoka, Wanyiri Kihoro or the late Shikuku, Anyona or Masinde Muliro to be at the frontline!

If the Arabs did it in style between 2010 and 2011 in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia, the French in the 18th Century, and Romanians in 1989, while Philippines did it even peacefully by overthrowing Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, why should resilient Kenyans fail to do the same to salvage the Country from the jaws of the hyenas?

Mass power is vital and the only lethal weapon to bring down corrupt regimes in the world!
The millions of votes Uhuru and Ruto garnered in 2013 mostly came from the hungry poor who have every right to reverse what they did anytime using all means available.

Fellow commoners, our nation is at the blink of extinction. Insecurity is at its peak. Kenyans in the 4 corners of the nation are not sure of their safety at any time of the day. Unemployment continues to hit the country hard despite recent cooked statics; reflecting that the current government has created 0.7 million jobs in the last one year.

The Country is in ruins; poverty and hunger are norms while corruption and tribalism have been perfected more than any other time in our Country’s 50 years history.

Corruption of yesteryears has been recycled back especially through the dubious payments authorized by the President to the Anglo Leasing related contracts. On the other hand, the Standard Gauge Railways (SGR), which the government has Okayed is a project littered with controversy due to illegal tendering procedures.

As Kenyan commoners, do you think or believe that the current government has what it takes to tackle the myriad challenges facing our nation?

Do you even trust their empty and enticing rhetoric and false passion of trying to steer the country forward? Theirs is to talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.

Even those who shout loudest about our plight publicly; often shedding crocodile tears but inwardly, they don’t care about our hurt. Their interest is to achieve their selfish ends- power, fame and influence.

The solution lies on each and every citizen. Nobody is acting; leave alone thinking about our suffering as Kenyan commoners except the almighty God.

What is our role as commoners? Shall we assume that our leaders will one day come up with remedies to our challenges?

While pacifism is good in an egalitarian society where the principles of equality, equity and human rights are respected, the Kenyan setting is different. It desperately requires critical action by regular citizens to pave the way for the emancipation of our society.

We can’t wait any longer for the skies to continue rising and falling five decades after independence without taking action. It’s also critical to realize that waiting for a solution from those who are the causers of our present suffering is totally futile.

Waiting for President Uhuru and his deputy, to shape the destiny of Kenya, when they have practically shown us that their main agenda is the retention of power and the trappings that comes with it, is acting like Hamlet in Shakespeare who refuses to kill the King at the best opportunity. Hamlet loses the best chance to execute his revenge merely because his spirit is not imbued with the lust to do evil.

Unlike Hamlet, who waited for the lust to commit murder, our lust is centred on the divine quest for justice, equity and equality. The lust for a renaissance, which will inject fairness in managing state affairs for the people of Kenya.

If we sit back and assume that our leaders are pursuing lasting remedies to our misery; we are lying to ourselves, (tunajidanganya kabisa). We can’t talk about endemic corruption, tribalism, lack of equity and equality forever!

In the 21st century, we can’t afford wading in starvation, disease, injustice, stolen elections, nepotism, and grandiose greedy when other nations are making positive strides in socio economic development. We can’t afford being stuck in the mud mainly due to graft and mismanagement of our resources!

We want to see a leadership system capable of bringing economic freedom, fight graft, narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, empower disadvantaged groups in the Country as well as propelling our justice system through respecting the constitution and the universal democratic tenets provided therein.

The current leadership which came to power controversially a year ago continues to thrive on confusion. Both Uhuru and Ruto are extremely allergic to democratic values because they are knitted from linens of dictatorship, injustice, assassinations, corruption and looting of public resources.

They are merely perfecting what was started by the first President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, strengthened by Uhuru and Ruto’s mentor; former President Moi.

If President Uhuru Kenyatta believes in democracy, why should he tell Kenyans publically that he has 10 years ahead of him as President as if Kenya is a dictatorship, or a monarch?

No wonder, the Jubilee government is allergic to any mention of the controversial presidential elections results of last year.

Telling a nation of 40 million people that you will rule them for 10 years as if you have powers to define your mortal existence is not only barbaric and unwise but also belittling the intelligence of the Kenyan people!

As if this was not enough, the President had the audacity openly tell Kenyans that after his 10 years reign, he will pass the baton to his deputy for another 10 years. What an insult to Kenyans and democracy?

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