Sunday, March 16, 2014


Why is the media fraternity ambivalent on the alleged mega corruption standard in the Standard gauge railway and the corruption which has rocked the Central Bank governor Njuguna Ndugu on procurement impropriety?

The skewed government appointments which has negated meritocracy, gender parity and accommodating special interest groups in our society as per the current constitution?

Why is the media silent on what the government knew about Westgate? Although we applaud The Standard group through their Mohamed Ali and John Allan Namu for exposing the behaviour of our defense forces during the rescue at the mall, we expected them to unravel the truth on what our intelligence men and women knew before the attack. We expected them to have deepened their findings in order to unravel what happened behind closed doors with our security organs.

We hope the rumour going round that the jubilee government has gagged KTN from airing the findings on last year's Presidential election is false. If it turns out to be true, it will give credence to the draconian media bill which President Kenyatta signed into law three months ago.

While I don’t agree with all the Cord leader does on national politics, I think the Standard media has been on the warpath on Raila and his ODM party by reflecting him and the party negatively.

The ink hasn’t even dried since President Uhuru signed the draconian media bill into law yet the aggrieved media is always at the frontline to defend the Jubilee administration especially its failure to unravel key truths in government malpractices.

We want to see the Daily Nation, Standard, Citizen and other media houses protecting and defending truth and justice in the country instead of pampering a government which is gagging and coercing them over the content they purvey to the public.

How can you protect the interests of a person who has bewitched your child? Kenyans would want to know why the media is always reflecting the Jubilee government on good-light when the same government has openly shown that it’s against freedom, justice and democracy?

Why should the media be trigger happy to splash their content with what the political opposition Cord has failed to do instead of telling Kenyans what their government is doing and has failed to do? Between Jubilee and Cord, it’s the former on the driving seat and if anything goes wrong, it’s the government which MUST be held to account.

Why can’t the media be at the front line to take a stand on policy matters which enhance the public good? Even if it means giving direct endorsement of presidential candidates, governors, senators or MPs whose leadership qualities and track records are in tandem with future of Kenya, why should the media fail to the take this path? Even Western media houses usually endorse candidates who stand strong on issues and aspirations of their nations.

The Kenyan media should be at the frontline in defining the leadership pattern the citizens should follow during the electioneering period. Rather than remain on the grey when the citizens need guidance and direction, it will fair if the media went spot on; providing facts on the values, characters and behaviours of candidates who are holding public office and those who aspire to hold the same offices in future.

If the New York Times and The Guardian endorse candidates running for office as well us taking positions on policy matters in the governance of their nations, we need to see the same trend from our Nation Media Group as well as Standard Group. The same must be done objectively and fairly.

Instead of splashing our Television screens about non issues like infidelity about pastors, we want to see our media as an educator, informer and a guide for the nation or the right and wrong policy from the government.

Kenyans are tired of witch hunt especially what goes on in people’s bedrooms. The media is the informer, enhancer and perpetuator of public good. When these are fed to the public, it sinks into their psyche to trigger a positive attitude, thereby increasing patriotism, hard work and a sense of responsibility.

If the media pampers dishonest politicians instead of exposing their inequities, how would the citizens understand their leaders and even make informed choices during election time?

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