Friday, February 18, 2011

Kibaki taking a wrong path

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo
New Jersey USA
The path President Kibaki has taken following Speaker Marende's ruling yesterday does not augur well for the Country's peace. Actually, the body language exhibited by the PNU brigades yesterday was a clear indication that they will coerce him to dismiss the Speaker's ruling on the nominations. From the President himself and his henchmen, I don’t read any passion for serving the Kenyan people- I see tribalism, greed for power, perpetuation of impunity through the retention of the status quo. If Mzee Kibaki campaigned tirelessly for the passage of the current constitution, we expect him to respect it to the letter rather than reneging on the same. There shall be no gray areas like the days of Nyayo. Kenyans fought in 2008 because he Kibaki failed the test of leadership, diplomacy and statesmanship. If he had followed fair play during the electioneering period and after, we would not be experiencing the current level of ethnic disharmony, mistrust and the circus about ICC. I wonder if he is seriously watching the events in the Middle East. Kenya is not exceptional because we’re tired seeing one man wanting to hold a nation of 40 million people under hostage.

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