Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A message to the people of Kenya

By Job Ombati
New England USA
Ladies and Gentlemen.

While I want to thank so many of you for your wise and brave suggestions on Kenya's future, I want to say one thing though. First, I love Kenya as much as you all do. I was born and raised in Kenya, and when I die, I will be buried in Kenya. However, before that time come, I want to say my mind and say it clearly.

First, many Kenyans are tired of Politics. If you are not, then I am. Every time we elect leaders, we always have a tendency to think that they will govern with justice and take our country to a higher level. Many of us have spent time, money and even lost some members of our families in the name of better governance. In 2007,many Kenyans died because they wanted a better country. What did we get in return? You all know.

Secondly, we have been able to listen to voice of reason by tolerating the government leaders we have though we don’t approve many of them. Now, what pains me my dear countrymen is when I see these leaders behaving as criminals and as cowards. We have given these leaders time to govern and heal our country, but when Uhuru speaks as he did this week, it makes me cry. Is this what leadership is all about? Why should Uhuru speak as a little kid who as no sense? I am totally disappointed and at the same time, I am lost.
Someone should tell Uhuru to learn to disagree without calling people names. The way he acted in front of the whole country is childish and he must learn how to disagree without that kind of behavior.

Lastly, I am asking all of you good and learned friends to stand up for our country and not our tribes. Yes, we are all from different tribes, but our house and home is Kenya. So, we must think as such. Stop this simple and silly business of supporting anyone and everyone because he or she comes from your village. This is nonsense. Support serious, capable and brave people to help heal our country. Stand for Kenya and not for Individuals. Individuals come and go but our country remains for ever. Think big my fellow citizens and think of Kenya as one country. Be a statesman and a leader. Be a true patriot and be a genuine Kenyan. Everyone of you should help build the country and not tear it down.
I am tired and disappointed but will not lose hope. I will stand for Kenya. So help me God.
Job Ombati
The author of Kenya The Beloved.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kibaki taking a wrong path

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo
New Jersey USA
The path President Kibaki has taken following Speaker Marende's ruling yesterday does not augur well for the Country's peace. Actually, the body language exhibited by the PNU brigades yesterday was a clear indication that they will coerce him to dismiss the Speaker's ruling on the nominations. From the President himself and his henchmen, I don’t read any passion for serving the Kenyan people- I see tribalism, greed for power, perpetuation of impunity through the retention of the status quo. If Mzee Kibaki campaigned tirelessly for the passage of the current constitution, we expect him to respect it to the letter rather than reneging on the same. There shall be no gray areas like the days of Nyayo. Kenyans fought in 2008 because he Kibaki failed the test of leadership, diplomacy and statesmanship. If he had followed fair play during the electioneering period and after, we would not be experiencing the current level of ethnic disharmony, mistrust and the circus about ICC. I wonder if he is seriously watching the events in the Middle East. Kenya is not exceptional because we’re tired seeing one man wanting to hold a nation of 40 million people under hostage.

The Leader Kenya need

The Leader Kenya need
By Joseph Lister Nyaringo,
New Jersey, USA
Those aspiring to lead a nation of 40 Million "must" be people with a a clean track record. We're tired of the politics of dynasty. We're tired of the politics of big man syndrome. We are tired of " big" names in Kenya's political realm. This time round, we need a "David" to save our nation from the morass of PROPAGANDA SYCOPHANCY, TRIBALISM, GREED, and GRAFT & INEQUALITY.
We want a leader who will narrow the gap between the haves and the don't haves. There is no reason why one family owns almost 35% of the nation's wealth ofcourse acquired illegally when many of our people are living in squalor- hand to mouth. In fact, as I write this piece, people in Turkana, Ukambani and Maasai land are eating herbs like antelopes. Others are living in the cold as IDPs, whose genesis was Kibaki’s clamour to retain the status quo.
Others cannot even afford a graveyard or a garden to plant sukuma wiki. Is this the country we want to bequeath to our children and the children of our children? It sad indeed and this time round, we cannot sit and wait. We are going to rise up in tens, hundreds, thousands and millions to say enough is enough to greed, impunity, sycophancy and tribalism.
The constitution that majority Kenyans passed last year must be respected to the letter. We need to stand up and be counted to defend the stand that the Speaker of the national assembly took yesterday if we truly want to make the constitution meaningful and beneficial to the people of Kenya.
Kenya's Statehouse belongs to any man or woman with values to fight for the Kenyan people and not himself, family or community. I end my opinion here with this Verse in the Holy Bible, Titus 1-7-8: For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
This the cardinal tenet to better leadership in any society.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No room for autocrats in the World after the overthrow of Mubarak

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo
New Jersey, USA
The recent overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt should be a wake up call for dictatorial regimes in the world to open freedom doors for their people.
Coming few weeks after the Tunisian dictator Zine El A. Ben Ali was deposed through mass resistance without gun power, it opens a new chapter for the people’s quest for freedom. Bringing down the two dictators was a great show of resiliency and determination from the Tunisian and Egyptian people.
All world tyrants should remember that their days are numbered. They should move helter skelter to embrace freedom and justice to their people. If the Egyptian people can topple a dictator who ruled them with an iron fist for 30 years through peaceful protests in a span of 18 days, nothing will stop the Iranians, Zimbabweans, and North Koreans from realizing the same aspiration.
The Middle East will never be the same again. The wind of change, which first started in Tunisia and then to Egypt has now moved to: Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, and Iran. It’s also likely to spread to other dictatorial regimes in the region like: Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Libya and Syria.
In the home front, our leaders should take a cue from the Middle East events. Nothing will stop Kenyans from rising up to demand for their rights especially when the gap between the rich and the poor keeps getting wide and wider. The rich have continued to a mass wealth when many Kenyans in the Country are eating herbs like antelopes while others are dying with their animals.

The wind of change in the Middle East should catalyse our leadership to liquidate impunity, fight graft and address historical injustices to pave the way for an equitable and just society for al Kenyans. If a bloodless revolution happened in Egypt and Tunisia, the same can happen in Yemen, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Iran or even Kenya.
We may enjoy freedom as a nation but economic disparity will compel us to revolt against the current leadership whose interest is the retention of power, which was the genesis of post election skirmishes of 2008. In fact, if President Kibaki had followed fair play during the electioneering period and after, we would not be experiencing the current level of ethnic disharmony.

On the other hand, if President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe would have said enough was enough and hand over power to Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwe will be in a fair political footing.

I fail to understand why tyrants don’t care about their own future, families and legacy. I also wonder why a person who has enjoyed power, fame, huge emoluments, and respect will wait to be hounded from office and be forced to exile. Does it mean tyrants are only smart in consolidating power rather than pursuing a popular path, which is in tandem with the people’s aspirations? Why can’t they read the public mood?

I’m sure Hosni Mubarak and his closest associates, friends, and family may have seen an impending revolution from the people but ignored it.

From the late Adolf Hitler of Germany, and Benito Mussolini of Italy, dictators always end tragically. In Africa, former Ugandan dictator Idi Amini, and Mobutu Seseko of Zaire fled to exile and it’s so shameful that their remains were never interred in the Countries they once ruled.
Another tragic example is that of the late Slobodan Milosevic who after being indicted for war crimes, died in a prison cell in The Hague, while former Iraq strongman Sadam Hussein was put on the hangman’s noose for committing crimes against his own people.
It’s true Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If Hosni Mubarak had relinquished power a year a go, he would have suffered less humiliation to save his face. At least the World would have appreciated the fact that despite being a cruel dictator, he held Egypt together; making it the second American ally in the Middle East after Israel.

Good leadership is all about lifting people through sharing their predicaments and aspirations to achieve their destiny. It is rare to find a replica of Nelson Mandela; the epitome of selflessness, reconciliation and forgiveness in the World today.

Mandela may have not been perfect but leading South Africa for one term and voluntarily relinquishing power was phenomenal. Not many leaders will do what he did, even in Western democracies. The question is: shall the World ever produce another Mandela without a trace of dictatorship?

Finally, I do believe that our current leaders have learned a lesson after the overthrow of two dictators in the Middle East in a months’ span. I also believe that they are ready to effectively fight graft, impunity, tribalism and respect constitutional provisions. Time will tell but Kenyan people are very impatient.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

KGU Press Statement February 2011

Following successful Mediation held on February 8th, 2011, between the KGU Interim Committee members and in accordance with the agreed resolutions arrived at therein; the Kenya Global Unity (KGU) elections previously slated for February 25th, 2011 hereby postponed to May 21st, 2011 when KGU AGM shall be held. Details of this important event will be communicated to you soon.

All paid up members are advised to go ahead and declare their interest for office. Potential members are encouraged to register in order to exercise their right to vote and vie for positions in the KGU leadership.

I want to appreciate the following patriots who worked tirelessly to ensure that differences in KGU leadership were resolved amicably: Mr. Patrick Odoyo with his co-chair Mr. Andrew Kerosi, committee members: Wanjiku Marjorie, Omondi Owera, Peter Gachuiri, Jimmy Onkangi, and Abdul Kiptanui.
The KGU interim committee regards the marvelous job that paved the way for reconciliation, unity and confidence between the interim leaders to work together for the benefit of the Kenyan people through KGU. The team reflected strong leadership spirit, patriotism and selflessness.
During the mediation process, both sides agreed on the following resolutions:
1) KGU elections to be held in May 21st 2011 rather than February 21st 2011 as earlier announced by Lister Nyaringo.
2) The suspension of Lister Nyaringo as interim secretary general and Newton Kinity as director to the board were all lifted.
3) All KGU members’ meeting will be held on February 19, 2011.
4) A lawsuit that was earlier on pursued by KGU management committee was dropped.
5) The management Committee will have access to KGU document to do all the work they need.
6) The mediation committee also recommended to the KGU interim leadership to work as a team.

We all look forward to work harmoniously in building KGU and make it as a vehicle for our unity abroad. Brothers and sisters I want to end with this Verse: 2nd Corinthians 5:18-19. Be blessed.
Joseph Lister Nyaringo,
Interim Secretary General

Europe must chart the path to peace in Ukraine instead of relying on President Trump of US

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo The response by Europe to Russia's invasion of Ukraine has brought to fore a critical question about the regio...