Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Poor Leadership escalated post election violence in Kenya

Many questions linger in the minds of many Kenyans why the recent violence spread like bush fire culminating into the worst mayhem in the history of our Country when we have superb men and women with the knowledge to prevent it. The violence has put the African Continent on the memory lane of the Rwandan genocide of 1994 which started slowly only to culminate to the death of a half a million people. Therefore, the challenge starts with Kenya as a nation and touches the entire nature of African leadership. When shall the Continent of Africa produce another Nelson Mandela; the former South African President whose defied greed for power and ruled for only one term even after being jailed for 27 years? No African Country has come out strongly against President Mugabe’s policies which has subjected his people to suffering in Zimbabwe . We also wonder why President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda think there is no other leader who can do even better for what he has done for the Country. The recent African Union heads of States summit in Addis Ababa failed to tell President Kibaki the truth even when Kenyans were slaughtering each other like chicken. Instead, when Kibaki rose to speak, his speech appeared business as usual in the country. Our Continent needs leaders of Nelson Mandela’s calibre in order to realize our respect globally. We can’t afford being a Continent littered with greedy, dictatorship, injustice, indecisiveness and ethnicity. We want leaders who see a problem and even if it doesn’t affect them directly will move swiftly to find a solution. Leaders who see a problem coming and do nothing about are condoning and justifying that problem; the biggest impediment in African leadership. As a Continent, we need to show the World that we have eligible Africans who are ready and with the capacity to do better. This can be realized if our leaders will rise beyond self, be patriotic and strive to bequeath to the new generation, a positive legacy. Under this aspect, problems like the recent post elections violence will be prevented as leaders will focus on the positive aspects they will like their subjects and even the World to remember then for even if its 100 years to come. The key question Kenyans will always ask is why we are embroiled in a post election tussle without any remedy from our local leaders. We expected former President Moi, the professor of politics; and current peace envoy for Sudan, former MP Njenga Karume, a moderate in Kibaki’s past government, the Nobel Laureate Professor Wangari Mathai to mention but a few for failing to swiftly work for a solution to the crisis which has destroyed many lives and property as well as displacing thousands of people. The Swahili saying ‘panapo wazee habaharibiki neno’ has totally lost meaning. We have many wazees who have not only failed to provide direction, but they have also shown indecision, lack of empathy, human love and seriousness in a national catastrophe. Members of the clergy will never be spared for their passive approach to find a lasting solution to the crisis. They are all aware that the Church is the moral authority of any nation. We expected Bishops Gitari, Njoya, Raphael Ndingi, Timothy Njoya, Zachaeus Okoth, Cornelius Korir, and Arthur Gitonga to mention but a few to be steadfast in working for a remedy for the nation over the post election violence. Even Bishop Pius Muiru, failed to apply the skills he would have used if he became President to make any peace initiatives and end the violence. It’s regrettable that many members of the clergy in Kenya are coiling on the Biblical prophecy envisioned in the book of Isaiah 13:14; justifying the current crisis as God’s Prophecy. This is totally irrelevant. What happened in Rwanda in 1994 was not a Biblical prophecy; it could have been prevented before it escalated into genocide. Church leaders should stop the trend of praying for their own tribesmen to rise to national leadership instead of praying to let the will of God to be done as his anointed servants. Anything beyond this is egocentric, greed, and selfish. God is a god of all people and will never answer such prayers. That is why we are seeing what we see. We applause the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), for being bold to declare that the umbrella body failed the Country by taking a partisan stand even during the election campaigns by openly reflecting tribalism. Besides the Christian faith, other religious organizations like. The Hindu Council of Kenya, the Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims is equally to blame for taking a back seat when our Country was on fire. The civil society organizations which are good at soliciting funds from donors also failed to make any initiatives to quell the violence. Failures of Kibaki and Raila during the early days of the violence was when they decided to issue messages of peace from Nairobi, Their first meeting at County Hall in Nairobi could have been followed by using the same limousine or jet to travel to all the affected towns together; imploring the citizens to stop the mayhem; reflecting their commitment to a just and peaceful Kenya.

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