Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Opposition Chief Uhuru Kenyatta has Dethroned himself due toTribalism

Honourable Uhuru Kenyatta’s move to support President Kibaki’s re-election has put the nature of multiparty democracy in the Country in dire straits. While he has a legitimate right to support Kibaki, Uhuru would have realized that he is not like any regular citizen but a shadow President of Kenya charged with the responsibility of keeping the government on its toes. Therefore, Uhuru has violated his job description of being referee on how the Kibaki government plays ball for the benefit of all citizens of Kenya.

That is why we can conclude that his move is a defection from opposition leader in Kenya to a government he is supposed to censure. For the young people aspiring for national leadership, Uhuru, has betrayed and severely damaged the spirit of transformative leadership in the country and indeed putting the Integrity and principles of young leaders in a state of quandary.

Why yield to the whims of 20th century thinkers like former President Moi who ruled the country for 24 years subjecting Kenya to social, political and economic malpractices? Uhuru is cheating himself by supporting Kibaki’s re-election to secure the Central province leadership torch. It’s high time that we again see the vibrancy of honourable Paul Muite who has been tested nationally to rise up and take up the Kikuyu community’s leadership torch.

Muite fought for Kenya ’s the second liberation putting his life on the line and I am sure he did so because of auguring patriotic ideals as opposed to Uhuru, who rose as a result of his mentor, former President Daniel Moi, the man he keeps dogging even in the 21st Century. Uhuru should play his politics with caution by entangling himself with leaders who can spur his national image.

We wonder what he has to gain by spreading his political tentacles to politicians like honourable Biwott; a man who cannot nourish his political clout, integrity, values and future? Fearing to loose the Gatundu seat in the coming elections and resorting to support Kibaki is a reflection of tribal hegemony and an egocentric view of Uhuru’s future political clout. If I were him, I will vie, loose the seat, the Presidency and Kenyans will charge for themselves beyond 2007.

I wonder what will happen to multiparty democracy in Kenya if honourables Mutua Katuku, Raphael Tuju and Musikari Kombo dumps Kibaki’s government of national unity to support their tribesmen aspiring for higher offices in the land.

What most of our politicians should remember is that Kenyans are putting them on a state of scrutiny especially on what they said yesterday and what they are saying today. Kenyan citizens are not suffering from recent memory deficit. They vividly remember Uhuru’s gaffes especially during the 2005 constitutional referendum and even immediately after President Kibaki was sworn in as President in 2002 when he promised to keep the government on its toes. A true democrat stands on what is popular for the masses not self. He lets the wishes of the masses where he derives his mandate to come first.

That is why many Kenyans are in a state of quandary whether Uhuru’s move to support Kibaki represents the wishes of 1.8 million people who voted for in the last elections. The man has dethroned himself and robbed himself off the trust Kenyans bestowed upon him in the year 2002. The government watchdog has swallowed the cockerel and gone into deep slumber. It will be interesting how long it will take Uhuru to regain political consciousness and focus beyond Gatundu.

Yes! All politics is local but those yearning for national leadership should be ready for a paradigm shift from this misleading ideology which is against the spirit of nationalism. How does Uhuru expect Kenyans to lift him nationally if he has decided to play it local? Joseph Lister Nyaringo Aspiring MP Bobasi, Kisii

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