Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Karua Resignation not triggered by patriotism

Many Kenyans wonder why it took the Gichugu Member of Parliament honourable Martha Karua six years to realize that Kibaki’s presidency is anti-reform. It’s in the Kibaki Presidency that the Country has experienced many scandals and governance loopholes in the history of post-independence Kenya . Therefore, it’s illogical for honourable Karua to ride a high horse following her resignation after being part and parcel of a government with administration malpractices. From corruption over the Anglo Leasing, Grand Regency Sell, Triton Oil scandal, Arthur brothers saga, raid of the Standard Media Group, rampant tribalism, extra judicial killings, and the presidential elections fraud of 2007 which culminated to last years violence in the Country, is a clear manifestation that all has not been well in the leadership of President Mwai Kibaki. Those showering honourable Karua with accolades should remember in our Country, resignations from government are often triggered when a politician’s interests are put in jeopardy but not the aspirations of the nation. It can be remembered that former MPs Kenneth Matiba and Simeon Nyachae resigned from former president Moi’s government after being rigged out of the Kiharu Kanu chairmanship and after being demoted from the Ministry of Finance respectively. Therefore, Karua resignation does not reflect any deviation from past resignations that the Country has witnessed. One cannot wake up and resign from a government that they have defended to the hilt for six years and when the same government was embroiled with myriad scandals they remained silent. The resignation would have been meaningful if it came up when the original Narc government failed to deliver the promises they made to Kenyans in the run up to the 2002 general elections especially enacting a new constitutional dispensation for the country. Ironically, Karua supported the 2005 FLAWED constitutional draft which was later rejected by Kenyans in the referendum. On the other hand, she would have defended the respecting of the MOU that Kibaki signed with Raila to nurture cohesiveness in our nation. Riding a high horse after resigning from the government is not enough to say Karua is a heroin or A patriot. The way she will conduct herself nationally in the reform path will define the gravity of her resignation from the grand coalition government. We can only respect and trust Martha Karua if she spilled the beans on extra judicial killings, the Arthur Brothers, the raid on the standard, the Anglo Leasing, Grand Regency sell, and the Triton Oil scandal. This is because her docket felt on the said scandals. This is the surest why to prove to the people of Kenya that her resignation was triggered by patriotism and a quest for reforms in Kenya .

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