Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Joseph Lister Nyaringo Aspiring Mp for Bobasi, Gucha District on Narc Kenya ticket- To Face Honourable Stephen Manoti, the Incumbent MY PROFILE: Contacts: 0722-115-841 or 0728-561-647 E-mail: Age: 34 Years. Roles in Kenya: Chiefshopsteward, Uchumi supermarkets, from 1995 to 1998 then went for further studies in the USA. Occupation: Businessman, Eldoret Group/ Membership: Currently a participant in the Political leadership Development Program (PLDP) sponsored by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung of Germany, under the Youth Agenda and Citizen Coalition for constitutional change 4Cs. Marital status: Married with 4 Children. Background: Non political family / Once hounded in poverty. Clan: Boigesa, in the Larger Bogetaorio Clan which is the 2nd largest in Bobasi constituency. The largest is Bosansa and the smallest being Masige. Religious Values: Born again Christian. I believe that God is bringing in leaders in this year’s elections who have divine wisdom to steer the Country forward in this 21st Century. Campaign Slogan: The voice of the new generation in leadership is now. It’s our time To Be Given a chance in order To discover our Mission through our potential. My Campaign Theme: It’s centred on compassion & love of our people-the electorates. The ideals, policies and issues that I envision are those that reflect the interests of the people. I want to nurture a political clarion where ISSUES and POLICIES should be the pivot in the electioneering period. Politicians who uses money to solicit for votes is a dubious way of hijacking democracy by making people to vote from the prism of ignorance instead of information. I promise not to engage myself on politics of insults, maligning, character assassination, lies, propaganda or destruction of personality to my opponents; but instead, I will focus on issues, ideas, results, our people & the future. M y Vision: To see our Villages, Communities, Constituency and the entire Nation transform into a haven for progress & better lives for all people irrespective of their standing in life. I will achieve these through: social, economic, political empowerment, transparency, accountability and having character and integrity besides being a selfless servant of the people and not their boss. Key Areas of Focus in Bobasi: 1. Effective Appropriation of CDF in order to ensure that the target projects are accomplished. 2. Revamping the Coffee & pyrethrum sub sector currently doing well in other parts of the Country. 3. Improving education standards by advocating for more teachers in our secondary and primary schools. 4. Improvement of infrastructure. 5. Devising ways of helping the vulnerable members of the society-widows, orphans & persons with disabilities. The reason why Bobasi is behind is because it has never had a leader who is proactive in Parliamentary debates to highlight the plight of the people. It’s hard for the government in power to know every problem facing the people if the MP they elected has never opened his mouth in the floor of Parliament. That is why I will beat honourable Manoti and even his predecessor who is running on ODM ticket, Mr. Chris Obure. Obure enjoyed unfethered access state house during the Nyayo days besides holding the most powerful ministerial dockets-finance; foreign affairs etc but did virtually nothing for the people. My Background & Political Overview in Bobasi I am vying for mp in Bobasi constituency in this year’s elections through the heart of humility, meekness, compassion, mercy & the love of God. I say the love of God because we all belong to God & it’s him who gives good leadership; the leadership that raises people from apathy, and rekindles their hopes. The type of politics we have experienced in Bobasi constituency for the last 27 years has always evolved on the big man syndrome. Born 34 years a go, I was brought up in a humble background whereby my parents struggled to bring my siblings and I up through poverty and deprivation. Through these, I have had a share of personal tribulations in life. The lecture halls of life through my family background speak volumes more than the lecture halls in Universities & Colleges; the ingredients that have shaped my ability to understand the predicaments of others. I don't need a lecture on sleeping hungry; having one meal a day, walking barefooted, being sent home for school fees, being in a school with no learning facilities and qualifying to join a better school yet parents lack the finances. After my high school education in 1992, I did all odd jobs that you can think of before I was employed by Uchumi Supermarkets in 1995. After a 5 months stint in the company, my calling to lead began in earnest. I was elected chiefshopsteward to represent unionisable employees. I struggled for my fellow workers with zeal & determination on issues of salary increment, better working conditions & solving minor employees versus management disputes. Like a human rights advocate, I discovered that the work of a trade unionist is often frustrating & challenging. I was on constant harassment and threats but in spite of this, I did not tire or falter to defend my fellow workers in the company. I came to learn that the strongest weapon that enhances the strength of any union movement is unity, without it, the job security of its officials & the success of any collective bargaining agreement (CBA) are put in jeopardy. In 1998, I got a student Visa to the USA, and besides graduating with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Political Science, Diploma in Hotel & Restaurant Management & an International Diploma for Humanitarian law, during my study in the USA, I learn a number of skills that I would like to put in practice to build a democratic culture in KENYA that respects, values AND recognizes all cadres of society irrespective of gender, class, status & race. Therefore, my entry to run for political office is centred on my quest to build a better and just society; a society where people are not treated on the basis of their status, a society where people’s grievances and aspirations are addressed with clear, effective and achievable remedies. The best way to build a better and just society is to have a central focus by those in positions of leadership that envision a selfless attitude to the people they represent-masses. This is the political epoch I intend to see in Bobasi and the entire Country. When elected, I will initiate a concept dubbed ‘Bobasi Transparency Policy’. With this in place, our people will get an open & clear flow of information ranging from their share from government i.e. (CDF), the roads maintenance levy, local government transfer fund (LATF) and education bursaries for needy students. I will also make available information like the CDF act and the facts and figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) so that our people are informed on trends of governance, their rights, privileges, roles & how it affects them. To boost accountability and transparency in the constituency, I will ensure that any projects that never worked in my term as Member of Parliament must be brought to the knowledge of the people whose mandate I derive, instead of waiting for five years to shower the electorates with new promises. My quest to run for political office is striving to do positive things that I will like others to copy, emulate, bequeath, inherit & carry forward to better their own lives even if its 100 years to come. The contents of my character in the world will determine the immortality that I want to leave behind. It will also define the quality & not the quantity that I shall be remembered for. I will always strengthen the forces that work for our good & weaken those that work for our destruction. I admire the ideals of persons who personified profound principles in their lives. The ideals of these great men became benchmarks in their quest for the betterment of their communities, nations & the world. It’s clear that you cannot be an extremist for love & goodness if you don’t know Jesus Christ, for Justice & righteousness until you know prophet Amos, for freedom & democracy until you know Abraham Lincoln, suffering for others and patriotism until you meet Nelson Mandela, for non-violence, humility & simplicity until you know Mahatma Gandhi, for service to the downtrodden until you know Mother Theresa and even Economics until you meet Adam Smith. The ideals the said individuals personified are true for human success, happiness, material prosperity, peace, harmony, joy, love, mercy, compassion, & equality. They will ever be remembered by many generations as their names are enthroned on indelible ink in the annals of human history on Earth. As a candidate, I will not like to duel much on the past as it’s of no importance. Focusing on where we are heading as a people is more important. The eyes that God gave us face forward, not backward. What I hate in political leaders: 1) A leader who fails to tell the people what can’t work 2) A leader who puts his people in the dark 3) A leader who uses money to destroy the truth 4) A leader who promises to do everything for the voters

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