Friday, April 26, 2019

Is a revolution viable in Kenya?

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo
Majority of Kenyans at home and abroad are frustrated by the current government. They display anger and disdain openly by posts and saluting victory signs in their social media pages. The majority like the self-declared NRM General- Dr. Miguna Miguna talks about a Kenyan revolution almost daily in his tweeter platform.
The question, therefore, is this: Is Kenya ripe for a popular uprising just like what is happening in Algeria and Sudan? Will Kenyans wake up one morning and demand for the resignation of the current government led by President Uhuru Kenyatta?
Expressing frustration about bad governance without action is useless. In the Bible, the book of James 2:26 says these: As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. It's therefore imperative for citizens to become action-oriented if indeed they believe that their mission is clear-intentioned and purposeful.
Even though we are frustrated with current evils in government, we still suffer from selective amnesia. We are a nation living in self-pity, or a people who cry during afflictions but forget immediately after our tears have tried off!
The ultimate goal of any successful revolution in a country is to replace a failed leadership. Kenyans may participate in a revolution but due to political leanings and tribal loyalties, they develop fatigue especially when they think about the repercussions of a replacement from the sanctum of power. 
The Kalenjins and Kikuyus see deputy President William Ruto, and President Kenyatta, as their own and may not want to hurt their rulership no matter how stinky it is. The way they rallied behind them during the ICC fiasco attests to this argument.
It’s encouraging that revolutionized minds like Dr. David Ndii, John Githongo, Maina Kiai, from My Kenya and lawyer Donald Kipkorir and the farmers' advocate Kipkorir Menjo from Rift Valley can take an unpopular stand against their communities by supporting a revolution.
Lack of consistency and the ethos of nationhood amongst the citizenry remain Kenya's the biggest impediment in the pursuit of the country's collective good. In fact, it’s the ethos of nationhood that catapulted Tunisia's successful revolution coupled with a united and focused civil society, currently rare in Kenya. 
In the late 20th Century, Romania and The Philippines under the people power clarion successfully dislodged their despotic rulers from power.
Although the Philippines faces almost similar democratic challenges like the time of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, one wonders if the Philippines will decide to rise up against President Rodrigo Duterte's dictatorial regime.
Majority of people from Mt. Kenya and Rift Valley may think a revolution will be aggression towards President Uhuru and his deputy. They know that if it succeeds, it may usher a new leader from another community; there predicaments notwithstanding!
We lack a viable movement which can galvanize the nation. The Romanians had the National Salvation Front which took over immediately after the former dictator Ceausescu was executed. Our civil society which was vibrant during the struggle for political pluralism in the late 1980s and early 1990s is dead.
It will be a tall order for Kenyans to camp in the Nairobi’s CBD and Uhuru park in overnight vigils for a whole year until the government gives in. Secondly, it will be extremely difficult for Kenyans especially the poor majority; remembering that revolutions are fueled by them, to defy material enticements (money) from anti-reformers or the ruling elite to continue with their cause.
For a political revolution to succeed, the citizens must be brave, angry, passionate and focused. They must be ready to sacrifice their time, energy and even resources for the cause.
Ideally, it’s the responsibility of Kenyans to change their Country by fighting for her future. Nobody will liberate us. Nobody will cure our disease or reduce our pain. Even self-rule from British domination came through bitterness and great sacrifice.
Freedom fighters like Dedan Kimathi, Ochieng Oneko, Fred Kubai, and Oginga Odinga, etc played their part well.
It's discouraging that some of the revolutionaries in modern times may not inspire people towards a cause. For instance, Dr. Miguna Miguna whose social media posts are revolutionary, bold and factual, the barrister deported to Canada by the Kenyan government is boastful and narcissistic.
Miguna, lacks a cohesive approach which is the glue that binds people to fight for a cause.  He insults even those who genuinely question his way of thinking. These are not the qualities of a revolutionary!
Key revolutionary figures from Mt. Kenya are great men- Dr. David Ndii, Maina Kiai and John Githongo. It’s sad that they lack a solid home-based citadel. If they try to pursue a popular movement, they will be branded as traitors by their community because of being President Kenyatta’s kinsmen.
It's noteworthy that the above three revolutionaries who are all Kikuyus, do have a constellation of admirers outside their home area who respect their values and patriotism and will go an extra mile to follow them.
Diaspora intellectuals like Prof. Makau Mutua augur a rich resume coated with ethical values, human rights and the quest for social justice. However, blending this with Kenya's ethnic and polarized political culture is a tall order. Mutua may speak Kikamba but moving his community towards a popular uprising be a tall order.  
Can Kenyans borrow the Algerian or Sudanese examples or even the 20th Century revolution in Romania and the Philippines when Ferdinand Marcos and Nicolae ceseascou were deposed through a popular uprising?
The resiliency of common Sudanese and Algerians on the streets should act as a wake-up call for Kenyans to think big and act with bravery and boldness. Trying the corrupt in courts has failed. Looting is going on unabated. Scandals keep spiraling. What can be done to redeem Kenya?
Demanding the resignation of the political elite who have wrecked the country even if they were elected democratically is healthy.
Nyaringo is the President of Kenya Patriotic Movement, a lobby group based in the US

Kenyan Diaspora is the most neglected constituency

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo
Kenyans in the Diaspora play a pivotal role in enhancing Kenya’s economic growth. According to Statistics from Central Bank, the Diaspora sent home $245 million (Sh24.55 billion) in January 2019.

This represents a 17.2% increase compared with $209 million (Sh20.94 billion) sent last year. These figures may be even higher as they are only based on inter-bank transfers. Monies sent through MoneyGram, Wave and Western Union platforms are not included in these estimates. This contribution by Diaspora surpasses what tea and coffee fetch to the exchequer.

Despite their significant contributions to the Kenyan economy, present and past governments don’t take this key constituency seriously. The question, therefore, is: Why is the Diaspora given a raw deal in Kenya’s governance systems and processes?

 Many African countries are tapping their Diaspora for nation-building. The Kenyan situation is grave. The Diaspora feel that they are not appreciated by the government at home and Kenya’s embassies abroad but only used as cash cows.

 The abysmal services Kenyans receive at the embassies abroad is worrying. Recently, Kenyans in Germany demonstrated against poor services at the embassy in Berlin. Services such as renewing passports are so poor. To add insult to injury, no logistics have been put in place for Huduma number registration rollout in the diaspora thus, putting the Diaspora at limbo.

Untapped Diaspora expertise
Kenya has vibrant doctors, engineers, modern technology gurus, just but to mention a few currently practicing abroad. However, the Kenyan government is unwilling to utilize their expertise.  Instead, we go to India for medical treatment, employ Chinese to build our roads and bridge and bring in Cuban doctors to serve in our hospitals.

 These foreign doctors are paid way higher that Kenyan doctors. In fact, they have better benefits and security than what the Kenyan doctors demanded when they were sent to prison. Kenyan professionals serving abroad should be encouraged to come home. They have to be offered better terms of service which is often the major reason why they are domiciled abroad.

What is Dr. Shem Ochuodho and Dr. Matunda Nyanchama doing in South Sudan and Canada respectively when the two gentlemen are the finest in computer technology? In fact, Dr. Nyanchama is even featured as Who is Who in Canada.

A friend of mine Dr. Tom Motari, who practices psychiatry in the US, recently shared his perspectives on the state of mental health in Kenya. He pointed out the challenges we face to mitigate rampant suicides, homicides and substance abuse. Dr. Motari told me that the number of certified psychiatrists in Kenya, a country of almost 50 million is about 100. Furthermore, the majority are based in Nairobi.

While Western Countries like the US and Canada are aggressive in admitting immigrants with diverse skills, Kenya is aggressively disincentivizing its professionals. The influx of Kenyan medics to the Western Hemisphere for greener pastures is quite alarming. Brain drain is killing Kenya.

President Donald Trump says the US will not be a dumping ground with unskilled people. He wants the Country’s immigration to root for the best. Other developed nations are doing the same because their governments know that, it's expensive to train professionals. That’s why they are doing massive “professional poaching.”

Frankline Onchiri, a Kenyan doctor who works at one of the top Children’s research institute in the US, had this to comment on the government’s treatment of its most skilled:
“We love our country and we would want to apply our knowledge and skills to serve our people. However, it demeans the utility of specialized skills when politicians with mediocre education, earn Kshs 1 million (USD 10,000) per month while doctors are imprisoned for demanding better pay and working conditions. Worse, foreign “expatriates” doing work Kenyans like us can do, are highly valued. This is the very definition of mockery.” 

Dr. Onchiri wonders why the government underpays its professionals who have spent decades in lecture halls gaining knowledge! The government is capable of Paying our teachers, lecturers, engineers, doctors and nurses decent salaries.

A notable turn-off to Kenyan professionals at home and abroad is when they see people with dubious academic degrees holding leadership positions in our richest counties- Kiambu and Nairobi just under the aegis of democracy!

There is no denying, one can be a greater leader without superior education, but some situations like formulating government policy requires good knowledge.
It’s imperative for the government to conduct a vigorous campaign to bring our professionals home. Those domiciled in Dubai, Ontario, New York and London should be encouraged to come and serve Kenyans.

In the homeland, somethings should be done to accommodate great minds like economist Dr. David Ndii who is also a product of diaspora. Kenya should utilize Dr. Ndii’s expertise at a time when the country is reeling from an economic downturn due to overborrowing, corruption and inflated tendering process.

False promises

Whilst many African countries have put up mechanisms that enhance voting rights for their citizens abroad, Kenya is still at limbo. This so even though the right to vote is explicitly captured in 2010 constitution.

One wonders whether we have become “a talking nation” with less action more so from the government and our electoral body.

 Mr. Ahmed Hassan, the former Chairperson of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) made extensive tours in the diaspora promising to register Kenyans to vote but this didn’t happen. When Hassan left office, Mr. Wafula Chebukati followed with similar promises. It’s unfortunate that the government or IEBC don’t talk about Diaspora voting anymore.

In 2014, while addressing Kenyans in New York, President Uhuru Kenyatta authorized the government to allow Kenyans in the diaspora to import vehicles duty-free. It’s sad that the promise fitted the Moi-like roadside campaign promises which never materialize. Indeed, no follow-up has been made; no mechanism has been put in place to effect the said almost five years down the road.

The Diaspora think they are being used as fundraising machines by politicians. They host them in beautiful town halls, booked them in expensive hotels with all costs paid. Before they return to Kenya, they are showered with many gifts.  Before they fly back to Kenya, these politicians make a raft of promises to the diaspora which they never fulfill!

In this era of devolution, the Diaspora has seen it all- they have hosted many governors who invite them to invest in their counties. It's shameful and demeaning when some of these governors will barely remember your name or recognize your face when you visit their offices in Kenya. 

Nyaringo is the President of the Kenya Patriotic Movement, a diaspora lobby group based in the US 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


By Mtumishi Cyprian Nyamwamu
“ _No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history and your true heroes because they know that knowledge will help set you free._ ”
~ Assata Shakur~
1. That anyone who demands that ODM and NASA MPs hold the Jubilee government accountable is asking Raila to oppose the Jubilee Government. Not true! Raila is not a Member of Parliament. However, We pay MPs a salary, ALL MPs even Jubilee MPs, to carry out oversight and provide checks and balances for the executive and Judiciary. We don't pay Raila to do this. Raila's let down is worse. Raila is a Co-President with Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto. He has joined the other side.
2. That Raila is not the only one who should oppose govt. That those who are not happy with Uhuru, Ruto and Raila's policies as citizens can now also form parties oppose govt and take over from Raila. This is a foolish one. 
Let them then call for a fresh election. Then all NASA MPs should resign so that individuals who are capable and willing to oppose Jubilee's and Raila's cynical policies come back to Senate and NA as MPs. Omtatah as Senator of Busia instead of Amos Wako, Cyprian Nyamwamu as Senator of Kisii instead of Sam Ongeri, Boniface Mwangi for Starehe, etc. We have a full list for all 290 constituencies and 47 counties. 
You are seated in Parliament earning as MP rubber stamping poison to kill all of us meanwhile mocking us to oppose govt. We never stopped opposing, it's MPs who have sold our country and children to Uhuruto and China.
3. Ruto is the most corrupt man in Kenya. Then why has he not been jailed? Because Uhuru is the God Father of Deep Corruption. He can not jail Ruto because he will follow him. Rigging elections is the worst strain of Corruption. True? Ruto is very corrupt but he is licensed by the big man.
4. That the Handshake is for Kenya's good; for uniting Kenya. No. It is for aiding Uhuru and Raila's enrichment through VAT on fuel 8%, Housing Levy, etc; and to help Uhuru-Raila-Gideon Moi 2022 power formulae. Uhuru may come back as executive PM.
There is no official war against corruption in Kenya. We all know this. KTM Redvests, a citizens led initiative with the religious led National Dialogue Conference effort are
the only citizens efforts against corruption. Raila Governors are the doyens of corruption in Kenya. What Uhuru is doing is that he has weaponized the anti-corruption rhetoric to weaken Ruto's Tanga Tanga menace. That I like. 
But we are not fooled that it is corruption that is being fought. Ruto should not complain because he helped the Mt K mafia to demonize Raila hence facilitate the rigging of elections. It's his time to ingest a dose of his own medicine. But he is not the most corrupt man. He is arrogant, blatant, vindictive and bitter. Not wise at all that Dr. Kamwerer.
The current hard tackling is good for uniting Kenyans with the intention of liberating Kenya in an effort to wipe all of them including Raila out of the dealership. Remember these are Dealers, not Leaders. Kenya Tuitakayo is doing a great job initiating the revolution. That Bunge should be the first to be retired for refusing to represent our people.
5. The Fifth lie goes as follows: that those who voted for Uhuru should not complain. Just eat your tomatoes in silence. Also, leave Baba to eat in silence. What a sick lie! First of all, what is Baba eating in silence? Uhuru is not in the office because he was given an electoral mandate. No. Only 20% voted on October 26. Uhuru is in office because of the Handshake. 
Let it sink. I voted for RAO three times, 2007,2013, 2017 August. We have argued that RAO was rigged out in all those three elections by the Electoral Commission and deep State. So RAO supporters better make up their mind on which narrative to narrate. Did Uhuru win elections through Kumira Kumira votes, or he rigged and begged Raila for a second term in exchange for a deep State endorsement for RAO as President in 2022? Did the Police disrupt the RAO Uhuru Park Swearing-in? How come?
Raila shook hands to stop the killings of his supporters by the State in 2007, however, in the 2018 Handshake, RAO made a 2022 deal with Uhuru. To give him a second term so that Raila finally becomes President with the Deep State's/Uhuru's support as Uhuru becomes PM Putin style. Hence the BBI and their proposed constitutional reforms. 
Raila is a Co-President with Uhuru and Ruto. He is part of our Kenyan problem. He is launching Huduma Namba, forcing his party MPs to tax us 8% VAT on oil products not refined in Kenya, etc. Raila is in power in Kenya. 
If you don't know that Baba is a Co-President you are ignorant. Uhurus impunity in Kenya is founded on Raila's endorsement and the Handshake which gave Uhuruto a second term. Without the Handshake, Uhuru will not be President in Kenya. Secession, economic collapse everything which he couldn't rig had made it impossible for Uhuru to govern. Kumira kumira voters don't come out to vote for Uhuru but against Raila. That is why there was no turn out on October 26, 2017.
#KenyaTuitakayoMovement/#RedVestsProtests & #BeyondZEROCorruptionis uniting all Kenyans to reject what is not for Kenya and stand up for what is for Kenya.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Has Raila been outfoxed by The Handshake?

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo

But some fundamental questions, however, remain:  Are we better off today than we were before the Handshake? Will the Handshake bear fruit to spur the country’s social, political and economic future through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI)?

Quit Handshake?
When Raila’s brother Dr. Oburu urged him last week to withdraw from the Handshake, it provided the impetus to two sides of the political isle - Jubilee and NASA who have been ambivalent about the pact.

According to many African traditions, when one’s elder brother speaks, it is weighty! Oburu pointed out that corruption which has spiraled in the Jubilee government is the reason why his brother should quit to avoid soiling his political legacy.  

Many Kenyans are frustrated with the looting going on in the current government today. If the looting continues unabated, the country will be an empty shell by 2022.

Those who agree with Dr. Oburu contend that Raila’s legacy will be completely ruined if the war he supports against corruption flops.

A good number of Raila’s supporters think the Handshake has given the president leeway to make unilateral decisions with less criticism. In the recent announcement by President Kenyatta that the government has allocated land to Uganda in Naivasha to construct a dry port, nobody knows the actual cost of the land, who will construct the Port, and the original owner of the land, and whether due diligence was followed before striking the deal with President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.

The critical role of an informed and empowered citizenry is to critique the decisions made by leaders because such decisions will affect the present and future generations. Many supporters of Raila in the country are doubting Thomases about the Handshake. As an ardent supporter of Raila for 15 years, I see the Handshake as a conduit for the Jubilee regime to perpetuate its blunders.

The degree of hopelessness by NASA supporters before the handshake was high. Many hoped the call by the Coalition to boycott products would paralyze operations and bring change. The establishment of the People’s Assemblies raised hopes higher. Others desperately discussed Secession.

Many Kenyans fear Raila might be betrayed again. They remember that Raila is one of the most betrayed politicians in the country. His MOUs have been trashed by past leaders he trusted. Will the president use the Handshake as a bait to soften the Opposition and give his deputy William Ruto a smooth landing in 2022?

Past electoral injustices had made Raila the biggest casualty, with three victories stolen. Raila’s supporters, therefore, have a legitimate right to question why the Independent Electoral and Boundaries (IEBC) Chairman Wafula Chebukati is still in office if indeed the Handshake was arrived at to address electoral malpractices.

Ironically, the electoral body is still intact. One wonders why the quest for a new IEBC team has decapitated.

Raila supporters wonder if the Handshake with President Kenyatta considered compensation for the NASA supporters who were maimed, tortured and killed in the pursuit of justice.
Kenyans remember Musando, Master Mutua, Baby Pendo and many patriots who paid the ultimate price for a better Kenya. The families of the deceased deserve restitutive justice so that they can move on like other Kenyans. 

Failing to compensate the families of the victims just like what happened to some of the victims of the 2007/2008 post-election violence, will be tragic for Raila’s political legacy and the ultimate goal of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

The Handshake has created some confusion in Parliament and Senate. The role of the opposition in our legislative chambers is completely diluted, killing the spirit of multiparty democracy. We need dissent, a watchdog to check the excesses of the Executive.
It’s sad that all NASA leaders- Honourables Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi, and Moses Wetangula act like they are part and parcel of the Jubilee government.

Finally, President Kenyatta who holds the steering wheel of the handshake should tell Kenyans why he has failed to nurture inclusivity in his government. This is a fundamental issue that is currently bedeviling the country. Kenyans thought that after the Handshake, they will see radical surgery in government.

Kenyans expected the President, in the spirit of the Handshake, to bring on board technocrats like Dr. David Ndii, John Githongo, Dr. Julius Kipngetich, etc. to fix the weak structures in government irrespective of their political persuasions.

If the composition of the Jubilee government comprises mainly of two communities, why would Uhuru and Raila talk about inclusivity? Leaders must walk the talk and talk the walk.
Adding insult to injury, some Cabinet Secretaries whose names have featured prominently in the corruption list are still in office when the major purpose of the Handshake was to tackle graft.

The buck stops with President Kenyatta as Kenya’s Chief Executive. To Raila, if the Handshake purpose is derailed, heed your brother’s call and pull out to safeguard your political legacy for Kenya and beyond.

Nyaringo is the president of Kenya Patriotic Movement, a diaspora lobby group

Saturday, April 6, 2019


By Joseph Lister Nyaringo
The Kenya Patriotic movement (KEPAM), a Diaspora lobby group that brings Kenyans at home and abroad in the quest for good governance and social justice is planning demonstrations in all parts of the country to decry the numerous corruption scandals currently bedeviling the country.
The demonstration dubbed “REDEEM KENYA DEMO” will be held on 30th March 2019.
“We can’t sit and watch as our Country continues to be mutilated by known thieves.” Says Joseph Lister Nyaringo the coordinator of the initiative who is also the President of the Kenya Patriotic Movement.
“Kenya is not a sole Proprietorship but a nation of 45 million who claim its shareholding.” Said Maurice Odhiambo, who is organizing the demo in Western Kenya.
The Redeem Kenya Demo will not spare any leader or CEO who have been adversely mentioned by relevant agencies of being involved in graft. Kenyans from all walks of life at home and abroad through the Redeem Kenya Demo are prepared to eject the looters from office.
After all, it’s the taxpayers’ money that affords them the luxury in those offices.
If you are an MP, Senator, Governor, Judicial officer and you’ve been adversely mentioned of abetting corruption let them be prepared to see the wrath of wananchi through the revolution that’s coming.
Nobody will be spared the wrath of Kenyans; not even President Uhuru Kenyatta, or his deputy William Ruto!
The patience of Kenyans has evaporated and reached a saturation point.
The lobby group will pursue all legal avenues to recover grabbed public properties and funds stashed in offshore accounts by the corrupt.
Meanwhile, KEPAM is appealing to Kenya’s development partners especially the USA, UK, and EU nations to come to the Country’s rescue in the fight against graft.
Robert Ndede an official of KEPAM in New York wonder why the US government has not implemented tough sanctions including the freezing of offshore accounts, blocking international criminal deals and travel bans on Kenyan government officials implicated in looting.
“Our country cannot continue celebrating the men and women who loot with impunity and after every 5 years, they use the loot to lure voters to elect them.” Said Dr. Tom Mogondo Kansa City, Missouri.
“Kenyans at home and abroad are now in one accord… The poor, students, farmers, touts, the jobless, etc are the majority while the looters are the minority.” “We have the capacity to defeat this minority so that we can restore our nation and put it on the right hands.” Said Ali Ali from Britain.
KEPAM appeals to Kenyans from all parts of the Country who believes in social justice, fairness, equity and equality to come out in large numbers so that together, we can send the looters home under the Redeem Kenya Demo.
Restoring Kenya will need the sacrifices of Kenyans in global North, South, East, and West.


Kenya Patriotic Movement (KEPAM) and Free Kenya, would like to make the following statement as pertains to the fight against corruption in the country:   
1.      The fight against graft requires a united government. Whereas the President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta, is at the frontline, his deputy is consistently opposing him. A case in point is where the President echoed the efforts being made by the DPP and the DCI but the deputy and his henchmen went ahead to point fingers at the two constitutional office holders. This is a threat to officers who are out to do their job. How can a disjointed government address a monster like corruption which has ruined our country?

2.      We call upon President Uhuru Kenyatta to talk less and act more. “eloquence without action is just hot air.” Uhuru should fire all government officers and members of the cabinet whose names have been adversely mentioned in corrupt dealings! What the hell is CS Rotich, Rugut, Kiunjuri and even Wamalwa doing in office?

3.      We have given the President exactly 30 days from today to fire all officers who have been mentioned in graft dealings. Failure to which, on labour day May 2019, wananchi will storm in the offices of the alleged looters and eject them from office. We need action… It will be a labour day gift for Kenyans. Mark this day!  “We are the majority while the looters are the minority. “We have the capacity to defeat this minority so that we can restore our nation and put it on the right track.”

4.      As a movement, we are making a database of all elected leaders who are for and against the fight against graft beginning from MCAs, MPs, Senators, and Governors. Those who are not supporting the fight against graft will be marked as the ENEMIES OF KENYANS. We shall visit their constituencies and tell voters that they don’t deserve to hold office in modern-day Kenya. They must remember that 2022 is NOT far.

5.      We call upon all Kenyans to know that the fight against corruption is now their responsibility. This is just the beginning. The Kenya patriotic movement and other civil society groups will continue organizing similar Redeem Kenya demonstrations throughout the country until the looters are out of office, are prosecuted, jailed and surrender all they stole. If you took the children’s playground, looted cash & stashed in offshore accounts, be prepared to do the needful- Return the cash and surrender the land!

6.      We appeal to Kenya’s development partners especially the EU and the United States to take a keen eye on the Jubilee government before they commit to funding any of its projects. It’s evident that most of the funds given end up in the politicians’ pockets and does not help the citizens.
Signed by officials of Kenya Patriotic Movement and Free Kenya:                                  
1) Robert Ndede
2) Lister Nyaringo
3) Nicholas Oyoo
4) Oketch Kenneth
5) Julius Kamau
6) Mulialia Okumu
7) Victor Sijenyi
8) Kiduna Vincent
9) William Mboga
10)Frank J Cord

Demonstrations against corruption is the only viable option

Joseph Lister Nyaringo and
Owino Ndede

Kenya’s civil society, the Church and political activists successfully mobilized peaceful protests to end the notorious KANU regime through the repeal of section (2a) of the Nyayo constitution.

While such mass protests created enough pressure to change the trajectory of  Kenya’s politics by compelling retired President Moi to allow the repeal of the previous constitution, one wonders if the same can be applied to redeem the country from corruption!

According to a survey on social media groups, subscribers in Kenya and in the diaspora do agree that peaceful mass action nationwide is the only remaining option for the country to redeem itself from corruption. The survey shows that 92% of Kenyans in Europe, 91.4% in the USA and 91.5% in the homeland support mass mobilization to compel the government to act firmly on the war against the menace of corruption.

The working partnership between opposition figures and the government has been credited nurturing political calm in the country. It's however ironical, that the post-handshake period has seen corruption hit a crescendo!

One wonders if the looters may have gotten motivated to loot more after the thawing of political animosity between ODM leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Surprisingly, senior government officials have opposed President Kenyatta’s anti-corruption moves and publicly criticized two government institutions -(DCI) and the DPP who are investigating corruption. 

Deputy President William Ruto has openly politicized the anti-corruption crusade by equating it to succession politics of 2022. Anti-corruption initiatives can only work if the President and his deputy are united. A disjointed
government cannot achieve anything tangible for the country.

Raila Odinga, has also found himself in a precarious situation as the NASA leader. Working with the government to unite the once divided country, he sometimes gets in a state of quandary especially when directing his war on the graft perpetrated by senior government officials.

Kenyans cannot remain in a queer street when the country is being mutilated… We can’t leave the anti-corruption war on the opposition or few government officials.

We’ve to seize the moment as a people take charge through peaceful mass action. Perhaps this is the only language the corrupt will understand. Our country is sinking.

It's only in Kenya where you can get your driving license before joining a driving school. You can have your death certificate even before you die. In fact, you can comfortably attend a graduation ceremony in a graduation gown and be awarded a degree without attending a single lecture.

It can be remembered that no single corruption case involving high profile individual has been prosecuted to the end in Kenya.  From the infamous Goldenberg, Anglo-leasing to the current Kerio Valley Super Dams, Kenyans doesn’t see hope in the fight against corruption.

Our country is ripe for mass action and if the same will be sustained into a social movement to catapult a revolution for political change, it will be the best news for Kenyan and indeed a game changer.

Corruption is the central issue that has generated the impetus for Kenyans at home and abroad to organize mass action and to mobilize Kenyans in various forms of social, economic, and political participation.

Kenyans in the diaspora through Kenya Patriotic Movement have coined the “redeem Kenya clarion” to organize for protests throughout the country. 

The chairman of the diaspora lobby, Kenya Patriotic movement says President Kenyatta only talks too much but doesn’t act. Mr. Joseph Lister Nyaringo observes that “eloquence without action is just hot air.” The President should fire all government officers and members of the cabinet whose names have been adversely mentioned in corrupt dealings.”

Mr. Owino Ndede, from New York, observes that the diaspora is prepared to educate Kenyans on the ills of corruption. “We shall create a platform for the people to engage proponents of corruption with the ultimate aim of eradicating the vice completely from our society.” Says Ndede in a phone interview.

Kenyans should know that the corruption war is their responsibility because the ruling elites have failed to contain the vice. As the majority, we have the capacity to stage demos throughout the country until the looters surrender, are prosecuted, jailed or gives up all they’ve looted.

The so-called elite does not grow their food, make their clothes or build their houses. They cannot live without the people, and yet they abuse the same people by pocketing the money they pay as taxes. Ironically, people can live without the elite. And, it is high time the elite served the people! 

Mass action remains the only potent weapon to compel the looters to leave office or scale down their corrupt deals. If we want Kenya free of poverty and other social challenges, we must be prepared to fight corruption.

To succeed, we must stop over depending on political leaders and even government agencies in the corruption war. Often times, government agencies are prone to manipulation and threats from the powers that be. Take for instance the finger-pointing from the deputy President on the offices of the DCI and DPP!

We call upon all Kenyans who hate corruption- government officials, the church, academic institutions, business people, and every living soul to come out and join hands so that together, we fight the monster of corruption because is a national catastrophe.

The authors are officials of the Kenya Patriotic Movement, 
a diaspora lobby group

Europe must chart the path to peace in Ukraine instead of relying on President Trump of US

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