Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Kenya Patriotic Movement supports mass action call by Cord

Formed as a movement to fuse the synergy of Kenyans at home and in the diaspora, Kenya Patriotic Movement ‘KEPAM, ’works directly with Kenyan citizens from all walks of life to bring about positive trans formation.

Our cardinal responsibility is the pursuit of good governance, Social Justice, fair electoral practices, equity and equality in the country.
The movement joins Kenyans to condemn the Jubilee government and its MPs in the national assembly for hurriedly passing the Election Amendment Laws. This is because, the original law was brought into force through bi-partisan efforts between the ruling coalition- Jubilee and the opposition- Coalition for Reform and Democracy ‘CORD.’
In the bi-partisan bill, it was agreed that electronic voting and transmission of results was the right way to ensure a fair electoral process and that manual, voting mechanism was a no-go-zone.
As a natural principle, any change to a negotiated document shall be undertaken the same way it was agreed upon. Any attempts to deviate from this clear path, will result in mistrust and betrayal.
It’s also against the spirit of fair democratic practices between two parties.
“We are prepared to mobilize all Kenyans at home and in the Diaspora for peaceful demonstrations throughout the Country to express outrage over the passage of the new law, “Said Mr. Frank Ogwoka, KEPAM diaspora liaison officer. “We are in solidarity with the Church, the political opposition and the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) in their readiness to fight for free and fair election.”
It is now clear that this is the only language President Uhuru Kenyatta’s leadership will understand.
Is it not absurd for President Uhuru, his deputy and majority leader Aden Duale to mutilate a law which was born through negotiation? Furthermore, four Kenyans died during the street demonstrations against IEBC commissioners.
If these leaders thrive in heightened political temperatures in the country as we stride towards an election year, we are cooked as a nation. It also shows that Jubilee has not learnt from experience, especially the 2007/2008 post-election fiasco.
Kenyans will not sit and watch when their democratic rights are being trampled upon by a rogue
regime through unorthodox means for purposes of self-preservation.
“The action by the President to summon all jubilee MPs to Statehouse after the first amendment to election law failed in parliament was suspect. “It also speaks volumes about the desperation in the ruling coalition to manoeuvre and rig the next general election.” Said Mr. Samson Omechi, who is also KEPAM’s the national coordinator.
The President’s ambivalence in addressing urgent matters facing the country, especially the current strike by medical professionals which has paralyzed operations in medical facilities, portrays him as indecisive and unable to confront challenges as the country’s Chief Executive Officer.
In other words, he is showing the country that the preservation of his job was his only priority. It is imperative to note that even the church has condemned the sinister motives by the Jubilee MPs who hastily passed the contested electoral amendments.
As a movement comprising Kenyan voters at home and in the diaspora, we join the political Opposition, the Church, the Civil Society and LSK, to urge the President not to assent to the amendments.
“We call upon members of our movement and supporters from all the 47 Counties to carry white handkerchiefs and green twigs as a sign of peace and join the Coalition for Reform and Democracy (Cord), and other stakeholders for peaceful demonstrations commencing on 4th January 4th 2017.
Clearly, this is the only language scandalous regimes world over can understand. It’s tragic that the Jubilee regime wants to use unorthodox means to rule the country eternally.
The Duale’s of this world should wake up to the seemingly unsettling reality that a credible election is not a favour. It the democratic right of all Kenyans.
Signed by,
Joseph Lister Nyaringo, President
Albert Musasia, Secretary General
Samson Omechi, Coordinator
Emmy Isalamba, Mudachi, Gender affairs

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Foreign donors have done more for Kenya than Uhuru Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta has confirmed to the country that he doesn’t care about an informed citizenry. This is after he castigated international donors who support the Civil Society to conduct civic education in Kenya during the Jamhuri Day celebration.

It now clear that the President had ulterior motives for transferring the coordination of (NGO) to the Ministry of Interior headed by CS Joseph Nkaisery, from the Ministry of Devolution. This transfer may open a battleground between nonprofits and the law enforcement.
It can also be remembered that Uhuru was behind the Miscellaneous Amendment Bill of 2013 to cap the amount of funding to nonprofits from foreign sources.

The President needs to be enlightened about the actual role of the Civil Society also known as the third sector in our country instead of looking at it as a political movement out to prevent him from securing a second term in 2017.
He should understand that a strong Civil Society will ensure a strong government, effectiveness in fulfilling civic responsibilities by citizens, improvement in business skills especially for Kenyans in the informal sector through trainings.
The President and other members of the ruling elite who besmirch the Civil Society should also remember that it plays a critical role in peace building, enhancing human rights, promotion of peace and security, health, empowering vulnerable groups, building ethnic cohesion and religious tolerance in our nation.
The Civil Society has brought many leaders to the limelight. In parliament, we have honourable Kabando Wa Kabando of Mukurweini, Cecil Mbarire of Runyenjes and Priscilla Nyokabi of Nyeri County. Is Uhuru not enjoying the support of these vibrant leaders in the Jubilee government?

 As a reminder to Kenyans, Faulu Microfinance Bank, which has now evolved into a full-fledged bank is in existence through support from Food for the Hungry International (FHI); an international relief and development organization whose headquarters is in Arizona, United States. Is the bank not employing hundreds of Kenyans besides empowering many in rural areas through micro-credit financial services?

President Uhuru is a direct beneficiary of Multiparty Democracy which was re-introduced in the country in 1991 through the efforts of the Civil Society and other foreign actors who cares about Kenya’s democratic growth.

I wonder if Uhuru knows the status of Kenya’s external debts where China tops the list. I also wonder if he knows that there is no repayments of all donations made to the Civil Society unlike the hefty loans from China which will be serviced Kenyan children not yet born.  

Civic education is the responsibility of the government and not foreigners. That’s why, philanthropists who support the Civil Society from abroad deserve accolades and not condemnation from politicians.  

Kenya is not a dictatorship like North Korea where President Kim Jong-un’s government bamboozles citizens in every aspect of their life. North Koreans have got no rights to explore modern cultural norms from the outside World.
We live in a democratic society where we need to enjoy the freedoms to build linkages with friends from all over the globe for purposes of enhancing our lives in the modern Century.
Kenyans desperately need understanding about their constitution, electoral process and basic judicial maters. They need trainings on how to run small businesses. Above all, they need to learn how to build a peaceful, cohesive and integrative nation to boost our multiculturalism.
I want to challenge President Uhuru to state how charitable he in the Kenyan Society despite coming from a moneyed family! He should stop criticising foreigners who have shown compassion to Kenyans.

Besides, it’s not a secret that the Kenyatta family owns land, the size of Nyanza region yet, they cannot donate even a grave yard to a landless person.

Secondly, apart from what the First Lady Margaret Kenyatta is doing through the Beyond Zero campaign, there is nothing philanthropic Kenyans can associate the Kenyatta family with. Remember, even the Beyond Zero campaign is sustained by well-wishers.

Kenyans vividly remember that in 2010, when Uhuru doubled as deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, he bloated the price of the 1171 acres family land in Rongai which the government purchased to resettle the internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Attacking the international community is forgetting too soon. Who doesn’t remember how it played a pivotal role to put Kenya on the right track after the 2007 post-election violence?
In fact, Uhuru became a direct beneficiary of the mediation where he was appointed deputy Prime Minister and Minster for Finance because of the efforts of Western powers like the United States.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Kenyans at home and abroad form Kenya Patriotic Movement

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo
The Kenya Patriotic Movement (KEPAM) comes hot on the heels of multiple corruption scandals in the country as well as the spiraling of tribalism, nepotism and charged political undertones driven by tribal sentiments barely less than nine months to the next election.
KEPAM is designed to bring together Kenyans at home and in the Diaspora in the pursuit for social justice, civic awareness and engagements, fairness in the electoral processes, equity and equality and advocacy for accountable and transparency governance practices.
The Movement is an entity registered in Kenya as a trust pursuant to laws governing the same. The Proponents of this initiative believe that it will serve as a think tank to address several issues in the social-economic spectrums as it affects Kenyans at home and abroad.
The executive team of the movement are as follows, Mr. Joseph Lister Nyaringo is the Movement President, Albert Musasia, the Secretary General- all based in the United States. The Coordinator for Resource Mobilization is Cornelious Ole Sikawa. Mr. Karani Onsomu serves as the director for communication. The Coordinator representing the movement in Canada is Mr. Samuel Okemwa.
This is the first time in the history of Kenya, an organization with Diaspora roots is working directly with Kenyans in the homeland to catalyze positive change.
“KEPAM will fuse the synergies of Kenyans at home and abroad in the quest for good governance which is focused on addressing peoples despair and responding to emerging challenges in the country.” Says the President of the Movement Mr. Nyaringo’’
Further, KEPAM has two patrons in the Middle East, Mr. Eric Ashikoye Omune and Martin Ongadi; In Europe, we have Miss Dorah Atinda and Jackson Omondi as the movement patrons.
In the homeland, KEPAM will be led my Samson Omechi as national coordinator, Fred Ayieko as Organizing Secretary and Yusuf Kinoti as director for strategy. The director for programs and interest groups is Ms Emmy Isalambo while the director for fundraising is Mr. Joseph Magutu. The director for media and communication is Henry Omwebu.
"We strive to advocate for the unity of purpose for all Kenyans at home and abroad. We will also be seeking for practical solutions on poor governance, social injustice, inequality and erosion of democratic gains by the ruling elites," said Mr. Fred Ayieko during the movement meeting held last weekend in a Nairobi Hotel.
Other KEPAM Regional Coordinators and Officers include: Wambwa Munguti representing Coast and lower eastern, Lotims Joseph representing marginalized communities (Turkana County); Mr. Wakoli Kunani representing Bungoma County; Mr. Sheik Noor Shek representing minority of northern Kenya (Wajir County).
As a movement, we cannot be spectators as the IEBC is being manipulated by the retired commissioners who are clinging on their positions despite being shown the exit door. KEPAM is concerned with the lackadaisical way the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is taking the process of Diaspora voting since the same is a constitutional right.
Besides, even facilitating the implementation of dual citizenship for Kenyans living abroad to enable them acquire new passports through its missions abroad has been totally ignored. At the home front, citizens are blank about constitutional provisions because of the slow base of civic education by the government.
Through information sharing, civic education and empowerment of vulnerable groups, the movement is taking the lead in the development of more viable democratic space in the Country through citizen participation. KEPAM will penetrate the villages to ensure that Kenyans get the requisite knowledge that will enable them to make sound decisions especially during 2017 elections.
We stand distinctively unique from other Civil Society organizations which have been criticized for dueling much in boardrooms instead of focusing on action plans in the grassroots where majority of Kenyans live. KEPAM will seize the opportunity to fearlessly speak for the downtrodden while condemning evils like corruption tribalism and nepotism and electoral fraud.
KEPAM has clear-cut caveats on how to identify the right leaders for the country. We will only endorse and support leaders on condition that they pass the integrity test as contained in Chapter 6 of the Constitution. Those who stand for social Justice, and empowering vulnerable groups like women and youth, will earn our support.
Citizens needs to understand their constitutional rights and privileges. We will ensure that copies of the Kenyan constitution are publicized in local languages. This is the surest way to build an informed citizenry especially on matters governance.
KEPAM is set to be launched in January 2017. It has a strong social media presence with a tweeter handler @KenyaPatriots and a website www.kepam254.org. The movement’s homeland hub is in Nairobi with a complete secretariat which will coordinate grassroots activities.

Europe must chart the path to peace in Ukraine instead of relying on President Trump of US

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo The response by Europe to Russia's invasion of Ukraine has brought to fore a critical question about the regio...