Monday, August 31, 2015

South Sudan civil war dents the meaning of liberation from Omar Al-Bashir

The civil war in South Sudan after the secession from the north makes Omar Ali-Bashir look like an angel especially when we remember the horror during the Darfur Genocide. 

I just wonder what is wrong with African leaders who fight for freedom for so long and with much suffering only to use the same freedom to kill their own people!

Why did they even fight to emancipate themselves from the north? They ran from the tyranny of Omar Al-Bashir but what they are doing in a liberated young nation isn’t different.

No wonder, the late Playwright Francis Imbuga was right when he said this in Betrayal in City: "It was better while we waited. Now we have nothing to look forward to. We have killed our past and are busy killing our future." South Sudan emancipated itself from the butcher of Darfur only to manufacture two butchers who don’t care about peace and human life!

The two political opponents-Salvar Kiir and Riek Machar lack leadership, are power hungry and suffers from a syndrome deeply embedded in most African dictators. They don’t care about peace at all. Why have they made a ‘U’ on a cease fire they signed last week?

Back to the history of South Sudan’s struggle for liberation, what was the reason for emancipation when Southerners are killing each other left and right because of power?

Salvar Kiir and Riek Machar have proved to the World that independence for South Sudan was a mistake; it was a mistake because the country is a “hot bed” for civil strife and anarchy. South Sudan is inhabitable… People are dying yet the two leaders are only interested in power.

I wonder if the late General John Garang would have done things differently after the secession if he was a live today. The struggle for power by the two men who once served in the same government may not bring lasting peace to the country.

The crisis has reached a stage that the international community through the United Nations needs to move in with speed and work a formula for a transitional government which will pave the way for presidential elections where the two rivals can fight it out democratically.

Otherwise, what is happening in Africa’s youngest nation may degenerate to the Rwandan horror of 1994. Expecting a peaceful resolution between two rivals is totally untenable.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


When William Ruto attacks Raila Odinga for corruption in Mumias sugar company, country, even Christ   Jesus, now sited on the right-hand side of God’s throne, looks at Kenya and sees a great   country led by corrupt leaders who LOVE and cherish LIES but HATE the TRUTH.

1)How many times has Ruto been hounded in court over corruption allegations in his political  life?

2) Is it not Ruto who has a case at The ICC where he is accused of roasting humans alive in a worship sanctuary in Eldoret and went ahead to illegally acquire 100 acres of land belonging to Adrian Muteshi, an internally displaced person (IDP) at the height of the violence?

3)Is it not Ruto who rose to millionaire status just within two months while campaigning for Nyayo (Moi) under the Youth for Kanu (YK92)?

4)Ruto purports to have sold chicken in Turbo to rise to millionaire status. I challenge him and his supporters to tell Kenyans how many chicken sellers on the highway can afford to build a 5 Star Hotel in Sub Saharan Africa?

5)How did AMACO, Assurance Company which is owned by Ruto win the tender to insure all government vehicles in the country? Was there proper bidding to give other companies a level playing field for the tender?

6)As Raila challenged him recently, how justified is it that a man who earns about 2 Million per month uses almost 30 million in harambees per month… if Ruto is not using some voodoo magic to mint these huge sums of money which he uses to buy political loyalty through fake harambees, is it not fair then to conclude that he is a chief looter and corrupt?

7)Is it not Ruto who hijacked the procurement at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital where he inflated the costs to divert surplus money to put up a personal entity?

8)Is it not the same Ruto who illegally acquired a house in Elgon View Estate in Eldoret?

9)Is it not the same Ruto who featured in the grabbing of Langata Primary School playground?

10)Is it not Ruto who is featured in the Grabbing of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) plot where his Weston Hotel stands?

11)Is it not the same Ruto who featured in the grabbing of the Kenya Pipeline land in      Nairobi?

12)Is it not Ruto who featured in the grabbing of Prisons land in upper hill Nairobi?

13)Is it not Ruto who is associated with the mysterious disappearance and murder of Meshack Yebei?

14)Is it not Ruto who is associated with the murder of Jacob Juma?

15)Is it not Ruto who is associated with the strangling to death a young boy during a campaign convey with Cyrus Jirongo during the time of President Moi?

16)Is it not Ruto who is associated with the burning alive of worshippers who had sought refuge in the Kiambaa Church in 2007 during the Post-election violence?

17)Is it not Ruto who is  associated with abandoning a child he sired out of wedlock with an underage student?

18)Is it not Ruto who is associated with lies, raw, divisive propaganda in his public pronouncements?

19)Is it not Ruto who has created an atmosphere of fear, animosity, division, strife and tribal politics in the Rift Valley where he always strives to silence and dim political careers of political dissenters like Alfred Keter, Gideon Moi, Isaac Ruto and Johana Ngeno?

All the above are in the public domain. By and large, Ruto can’t spare any empty ground… even a cemetery. He has a gargantuan appetite for land and MORE money. He can use every shortcut to acquire it. Kenyans especially those who can earn a million dollars honestly.

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