Friday, January 28, 2011


January 26th 2011
By the powers conferred upon me by the State of New Jersey as the Registered Agent Representing Kenya Global Unity (KGU), and as interim Secretary General, I hereby announce the date of elections when the following positions will be filled:
2)Deputy President
3)Secretary General
4)Deputy Secretary general
5)Finance secretary
6)Deputy finance secretary
7)Deputy Director to the board
8)Chief whip
9)Deputy Chief whip
11)Deputy spokesperson
12)Three(3)Committee Members
13)Director to the board
14)Steering board comprising: Board Secretary for Governance and Political affairs, Board Secretary for Justice and Human Rights, Board Secretary for Economic Affairs, Board Secretary for policy formulation and project implementation, Board Secretary of Education and ICT, Board Secretary of legal affairs, Board Secretary for International affairs, Board Secretary for gender and social affairs.

The elections shall be held on 25th February 2011 during our annual general meeting (AGM) as per article (6) of our proposed constitution. On this day, KGU members shall officially ratify our proposed constitution. The venue, location, and modalities for the elections shall be announced to you soon.

The period between the date of this notice and the AGM is therefore considered as the campaign period and candidates are encouraged to campaign or hold debates in local and international media.

Potential KGU members in the Diaspora wishing to vie for any of the said positions are encouraged to register by paying their membership fee of $ 10.00, three days prior to the Election Day, in order to publish a final copy of all registered members.

Login in at: and pay $ 10.00 to become a member in order to exercise your democratic right to vie or vote the leaders of your choice. The “best” future for Kenya and the World is: Power to the People. Indeed the splendor of our diversity is our strength. The time for our global unity is here.

Members of KGU in the Diaspora wishing to vie for any of the said positions should write to me using the official KGU address below and specify the position they are interested in. This must be 14 days prior to elections. I will publish a weekly register of interested candidates.
Joseph Lister Nyaringo,
Registered Legal Agent and Interim Secretary General,
438 East 29th Street, Paterson, NJ 07514

Europe must chart the path to peace in Ukraine instead of relying on President Trump of US

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