Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Gachagua's Revenge: Will He Spill the Beans on Ruto's Government after impeachment?

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's potential exit from President William Ruto's government could be a blessing in disguise. As an insider, Gachagua may expose the government's inner workings, revealing wrongdoing and shedding light on contentious issues such as universal medical insurance, university education funding, and constitutional amendments proposed by Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei to extend presidential term limits.

When faced with downfall, few individuals wish to sink solo; instead, they often seek to take others down with them. DP Gachagua will not be optional.

The planned leasing of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to the Adani Group for 30 years may face increased scrutiny now that a government insider, soon to lose power, is aware of the airport takeover's controversy. The deal with the Indian conglomerate has garnered widespread attention and opposition from Kenyans who demand the government reverse it.

With the government insider potentially revealing insider information, the controversy surrounding the airport takeover is likely to intensify. This development may shed more light on the deal's implications, including concerns over job losses, fiscal risks, and the country's ability to finance the airport's expansion without resorting to a long-term lease to a foreign entity.

With nothing to lose, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua may unleash a whistleblower bombshell, exposing secrets and implicating top officials. Given his insider knowledge and involvement in President William Ruto's government since May 2022, Gachagua's revelations could be explosive. His exit from the inner circle comes at a time when the administration is already reeling from allegations of extrajudicial killings, abductions, corruption, nepotism, and unequal wealth distribution. Despite being at the centre of controversy with statements that left many Kenyans uneasy, Gachagua has surprisingly garnered sympathy from Generation X Kenyans.

In political circles, he is in good books with former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, former Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, former Meru governor Peter Munya and current governor of Nyeri, which is also his home turf Mutahi Kahiga.

Despite controversy surrounding Gachagua's past, including pending court cases over alleged fund misappropriation and theft, many Kenyans surprisingly sympathize with him. These allegations, coupled with controversies plaguing the current government, have fueled widespread unease among Kenyans. Gachagua's exit may have far-reaching consequences, reshaping Kenya's political landscape and potentially exposing shocking government secrets.

Gachagua's potential exit from President Ruto's government may not be the clear-cut victory some think. As a wealthy and influential individual, Gachagua has the resources to shape public opinion, particularly among young people. He might emerge as an unlikely ally for Gen Z, leveraging his platform to rebrand himself and potentially challenge those he left behind in power.

With his outspoken and aggressive style of politics, Gachagua could prove to be a formidable force. President Ruto should take heed: escaping one challenge only to face an even greater one.

The real drama begins when Gachagua becomes a regular citizen, and only time will tell how this unfolds. His ability to reveal insider information could shake the very foundations of the government. If I were President Ruto, I would not celebrate Gachagua's exit just yet.

Kenyans may soon uncover the truth about many wrongdoings within the government, including who has embezzled funds, core details of (JKIA) takeover, and the motivations behind President Ruto's changes to public expenditure structures, such as the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and university funding. This transparency could be thanks to Deputy President Gachagua’s potential exit from the government.

As Gachagua becomes a whistleblower, he may gain popularity among ordinary Kenyans, who have been affected by the government's alleged corruption and economic mismanagement. With nothing to lose, Gachagua may expose the government's wrongdoing, making him a darling of the masses. The damning revelation that may send shockwaves in the Kenyan political terrain is if Gachagua decides to reveal the recent abductions and extra-judicial killing whose memories are still fresh in the memories of Kenyans. Secondly, the mystery of the 2022 Presidential election where Raila Odinga lost to Ruto is likely to feature in Gachagua’s revelation.

The looming rift between President Ruto and his deputy may become contentious and messy, echoing the dramatic removal of Moses Wetangula as Senate Minority Leader by the ODM Party in 2018. Interestingly, Wetangula later backed Ruto's 2022 presidential bid and now serves as National Assembly Speaker under Ruto's presidency.

President Ruto's grip on power may loosen as he faces the looming threat of losing support from Central Kenya, a vital voting bloc that has been his stronghold since he won the Presidency in 2022. The days ahead promise to be nothing short of explosive, with shocking revelations and scandals unfolding like a gripping drama that will captivate the nation. As the curtain draws open, Kenyans will finally glimpse the true nature of their government, and it may be too late for Ruto's administration to recover from the impending fallout.

This is a critical moment in Kenya's history, considering the country's complex past, marked by significant events like the Mau Mau revolution and the transition to multiparty democracy. The potential consequences of Ruto's losing support will be far-reaching, impacting his presidency and the nation's future political alliances.  

Nyaringo is the President of Kenya Patriotic Movement, a diaspora lobby based in the US

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Unwavering Devotion: Raila Odinga's Selfless Service to the People of Kenya

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo
Raila Odinga leveraged the Gen Z revolution to have his allies to influential cabinet roles, potentially as a strategic move to help President Ruto William Ruto’s troubled government. This development has reportedly brought about "significant positive change, " including an end to violent demonstrations and the presence of "goons on the streets."

As a result, numerous benefits have allegedly emerged in Odinga's hometown, including universal employment among youth and substantial infrastructure improvements.

In Odinga’s home turf, the living standard of the locals has improved tremendously-every family now resides in a three-bedroom house. Furthermore, Luoland has undergone a remarkable transformation, with all roads now paved and electricity accessible to every home. These advancements suggest a concerted effort to address socioeconomic disparities and foster growth.

To appreciate Odinga's illustrious career in public service, he was accorded more benefits by President Ruto’s government after they signed a pact that paved the way for the current broad-based government. the ODM boss now enjoys increased government finance benefits, and enhanced security measures including more security guards at his Karen and Bondo homes, and a fully equipped office in  Upper Hill Nairobi. Furthermore, the government has also provided him with two additional chase cars.

In Kisumu, Siaya, Bondo, and Homa Bay, parents are happier as all their children attend institutions of learning undisturbed, with their fees fully paid thanks to Opiyo Wandayi and John Mbadi, who hold influential positions in President William Ruto's government.

The appointment of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) chairman, to cabinet positions is a great stride towards building harmony as well as enhancing multiparty democracy. Besides, the remaining Members of Parliament of the ODM Party are more vibrant in the National Assembly especially ensuring that they don’t veer off from playing oversight roles.

The most hardworking ODM MPs in Nairobi County are TJ Kajwang of Ruaraka, George Aladwa of Makadara, and Beatrice Elachi of Dagoretti North constituencies. These three legislators have performed their roles beyond expectations, often outperforming other elected leaders like Babu Owino and Senator Edwin Sifuna.

The recent public participation exercise at the Bomas of Kenya was a clear indicator that TJ, Elachi, and Aladwa are indeed hardworking and people-centred. they ensured that one of the "trouble makers"-Morara Kebaso was ejected from the arena with kicks and blows thereby making the exercise colourful and peaceful. MANY Kenyans congratulated the three legislators.

Encouragingly, the latest political manoeuvres of Mr Odinga have portrayed him as a seasoned champion of justice, human rights, and democracy. Currently, the vibrancy of multiparty democracy in Kenya cannot be overstated. As a veteran advocate for multiparty democracy, who was even detained for it during President Daniel Moi's reign, Odinga continues to play a pivotal role in making all Kenyan political parties genuine voices of the people, providing essential checks and balances, and serving as effective tools of governance. The ODM party takes the lead for free and fair nominations during the electioneering period.

More importantly, your representatives in the Ruto government have significantly reduced national confusion. Every state matter is running smoothly now. Transparency and accountability prevail, with the president and government officials consistently truthful with the nation. Notably, the broad-based government facilitated the JKIA improvement deal with the Indian Adan Group conglomerate.

Thank you, Odinga, for voluntarily assisting the Ruto government in finalizing the JKIA deal, a significant achievement for Kenya. Within two years, our primary airport is projected to surpass London's Heathrow and New York's JFK. President Ruto deserves immense praise. Moreover, our national insurance scheme is now fully operational, replacing the defunct NHIF. Patients, medical professionals, and healthcare providers appreciate the new SHIF program.

Let's give credit where it's due. Abductions of government dissenters are now a thing of the past. Citizens can demonstrate and critique the government without fear. Our police force has become more friendly and public service-oriented, demonstrating a clear understanding of their professional guidelines. Kudos to William Ruto, Odinga, and all operatives in the broad-based government. Thank you for contributing to a happier, more harmonious Kenya under God's guidance.

Thank you, Odinga, for your "patriotism." Additionally, congratulations on strengthening H.E. Rigathi Gachagua's job security in the UDA government. Lastly, best wishes for your upcoming role as AUC boss in Addis-Ababa Ethiopia next year.

Lister Nyaringo is the president of Kenya Patriotic Movement, a diaspora lobby based in the US



Kenyan Diaspora in the US Speaks Out Against Negative Events in the Country

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo

We, the Kenyan diaspora in the United States, are alarmed by the escalating incidents of human rights abuses, kidnapping, abduction, maiming, and killing of citizens under President William Ruto's government. These atrocities have created a culture of fear, particularly among dissenting voices, and threaten to undermine Kenya's democracy and rule of law.


If what is going on the country will go unabated, it will completely whitewash the tenets of democracy and the rule of law, destroy the economic and social fabric of the country and completely ruin Kenya’s standing amongst the community of nations.


Why should the security agencies abduct, torture, and kill innocent citizens when the constitution is very clear that the same agencies are tasked to safeguard their security, it is even worrying that President Ruto has failed to come out and condemn these vices.

The recent arrest of Morara Kebaso, affiliated with the soon-to-be-launched Inject Party, on questionable charges, echoes Kenya's past undemocratic practices. Kebaso was arrested and charged with defamation, despite accuser David Langat, denying any wrongdoing. This development raises concerns about Kenya's justice system, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability.


Furthermore, the abduction of the Kitengela Three- Bob Njagi, Aslam Longton, and Jamil Longton who were held incommunicado for one month are stark reminders of the government's disregard for human life and dignity. No one is spared in Kenya. Even the Controller of Budget, Margaret Nyakang'o, has also faced threats after exposing corruption in the discharge of her duties.


We are deeply troubled by the killings during the Gen Z demonstrations two months ago and the numerous abductions of Kenyan youth, many of whom remain unaccounted for. The fact that a senior county leader can send goons to sodomize a Kenyan whose only crime was exercising freedom of speech without any sign of facing justice is a stark indictment of the government's failure to protect its citizens.


In a statement released by Jimmy Onkangi, coordinator of the Inject Party under the "Kenya Ni Home" Movement, led by Morara Kebaso, they highlighted several key concerns. These concerns include kidnapping, abduction, maiming, and killing of citizens, which have become rampant. The diaspora community is also alarmed by the entrenchment of a culture of fear, where dissenting voices and those who expose corruption are intimidated and silenced.


Furthermore, the statement criticized the lack of fairness and accountability in Kenya, particularly the government's failure to investigate and prosecute alleged perpetrators of crime. This has led to widespread impunity and erosion of trust in the government.


The Kenyan diaspora in the US urges the government to take immediate action to address these concerns and ensure the safety and security of all Kenyans. As a significant contributor to Kenya's economy through remittances, the diaspora community's problems cannot be ignored.


Besides Kenya's dire human rights situation, multiple problems continue to bedevil the country, especially on the economic front.


Kenya's economic woes have the diaspora community worried, and rightfully so. The country's massive debt burden and rampant corruption are major concerns that need urgent attention. Mr. Onkangi, a resident of Dallas, Texas, sums up the frustration: "Why can't the government focus on fighting corruption, where billions of Kenyan shillings are being looted and stashed in offshore accounts?" By tackling corruption, the government could save billions and invest in development instead of relying on loans that have ballooned Kenya's foreign debt to a staggering $80 billion.


The situation is dire, with thousands of school leavers and university graduates struggling to find employment every year. Kenya's economy grew well before the COVID pandemic, but the benefits of growth have not been evenly distributed, leaving nearly 33% of Kenyans below the national poverty line. To make matters worse, corruption is pervasive, diverting funds away from productive economic activities and slowing growth.


The government's efforts to fund its budget with increased taxes on essential goods have been a breaking point for many Kenyans, especially young, educated, and unemployed youth. President Ruto's administration must progress on reducing corruption, growing the economy, and creating jobs to steer Kenya away from more violent economic and political disruptions.


The diaspora plays a pivotal role in national development but remains a neglected constituency.


We urge President Ruto's government to prioritize Kenya's pressing issues instead of getting bogged down in political power plays. The current debate over impeaching Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is diverting attention from critical challenges, such as the contentious takeover of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport's management by the Adan Group, an Indian multinational conglomerate.


Additionally, the ongoing doctors' and lecturers' strikes, along with the contentious higher education funding model, are crippling the health and education sectors.


The diaspora is perturbed by Kenya's newest healthcare system especially the transition from the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the new Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF). The shift is plagued by technical difficulties, coverage concerns, and issues with processing payment claims. This transition, part of President Ruto's plan to achieve Universal Health Coverage for Kenyans

has proved a quagmire to healthcare providers and patients. There is no clear headway from the government to resolve the nightmare. 


The impeachment of Deputy President Gachagua should not overshadow the need for constructive governance and policy-making that benefits all Kenyans. Ultimately, President Ruto and Deputy President Gachagua's fates are intertwined, and addressing the country's challenges will require a unified approach.


After all, the two leaders have wronged Kenyans due to maladministration practices in the government they all serve. If it's impeachment, both must suffer the same fate. W
hat's good for the goose is good for the gander.


The Kenyan diaspora is outraged after a public participation forum at the Bomas of Kenya turned violent, leaving Inject Party founder Morara injured. The shocking incident occurred after Nairobi legislators Beatrice Elachi, Tom Kajwang, and George Aladwa publicly incited their supporters in the hall to target Morara who attended the meeting. What is even more disturbing is that the assault happened in full view of police officers present at the venue.

Lister Nyaringo, is the chairman of the Kenya Patriotic Movement, a diaspora lobby based in the US


Sunday, September 8, 2024


 The insidious grip of groupthink and herd mentality has stifled the political growth of numerous Kenyan communities, perpetuating a culture of conformity and suppressing individuality. This pervasive phenomenon has become so deeply ingrained that it may take a concerted effort spanning two generations to eradicate.

In this sea of homogeneity, I find solace in belonging to the Kisii community, a beacon of independent thought and action. Unlike some communities in Kenya, where political decisions are often dictated by coercion or the fear of deviating from the crowd, the Kisii people proudly chart their own course.

With a strong tradition of critical thinking and self-determination, the Kisii community has cultivated a unique political landscape where individuals are encouraged to form their own opinions, unshackled by the weight of group expectations. This refreshing approach has fostered a culture of intellectual curiosity, creativity, and innovation, allowing the community to thrive in a political environment often dominated by groupthink.

As I look around, I am heartened to see Kisiis engaging in lively debates, challenging prevailing narratives, and making informed decisions that reflect their own values and beliefs. This unwavering commitment to independence has not only enriched our community but also contributed to the rich tapestry of Kenyan politics.

In a world where conformity often seems to be the easiest path, the Kisii community stands as a testament to the power of individuality and the importance of embracing diverse perspectives. As we strive to uproot the entrenched groupthink and herd mentality in Kenyan politics, I am proud to be part of a community that has long valued the beauty of independent thought and action.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

From Opposition to Alliance: Odinga's Shift Sparks Debate

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo

The broad-based Cabinet formed, comprising members of the Orange Democratic Party led by Raila Odinga    and his political rival President William Ruto,                highlights a stark contrast with the outcome of                the 2018 handshake between retired President Uhuru    Kenyatta and Odinga.

The formation of this cabinet was preceded by protests from Kenyan youth, who took to the streets to voice their opposition to the punitive taxes proposed in the Finance Bill 2024-2025. Notably, unlike the 2018 demonstrations, which were largely driven by Odinga's political base, the current protests were spearheaded by Generation Z, who feel betrayed by Odinga's decision to join the government.

Many Kenyans view his move as a betrayal of their cause and a disheartening abandonment of his former crusade for a better Kenya. The same generation that once hailed him as a champion of reform and a symbol of hope now feels disillusioned by his perceived selfish ambitions.

"How can you prioritize appointing your allies to cabinet positions when the youths killed by the same government have not even been buried?' one frustrated youth asked during a recent protest in Nairobi, questioning the urgency of Odinga's actions."

The appointment of ODM's chairman, minority leader, and two deputy party leaders to cabinet positions is a travesty to multiparty democracy, as ODM is a major opposition party in Kenya's legislative organs, the Senate and Parliament with a primary role of providing oversight and holding the government accountable for its excesses. His actions have undermined this critical function, leaving a power vacuum that threatens the very fabric of Kenya’s democracy.

It is ironic that Odinga, who fought for multiparty democracy and was even detained for it during President Daniel Moi's reign, has made this move. Odinga's decision has diluted Kenya's political scene and undermined the vibrancy and national clout of the ODM party.

This development is a far cry from the expectations of Kenyans who revered Odinga as the "Nelson Mandela" of Kenya, given his nine years of detention without trial for fighting for democratic space. They expected him to remain a strong advocate for reform until the end of his political journey, just like Mandela did in South Africa. Instead, his political influence has been severely diminished, regardless of his aspirations to capture the African Union (AU) chairperson seat.

It is widely acknowledged that during times of national crisis, leaders from diverse political backgrounds should put aside their differences and work towards the collective good of the country. While supporters of Odinga may view his recent move through this lens, the majority perceive it as a self-centred decision. This is because Odinga failed to consider the youth in the list of cabinet appointments from his party, despite their significant role in driving the recent protests against the government.

It is worth noting that if Generation Z had not revolted against the current government, Odinga would not have had the opportunity to have members of his party appointed to the cabinet.

In essence, he is reaping benefits from a field he did not cultivate or sow. This perceived lack of consideration for the youth, who were instrumental in creating the conditions for his party's inclusion in the government, has led many to view his move as opportunistic and self-serving.

Critics argue that Odinga's cabinet nominees, including billionaire politicians like Ali Hassan Joho and Wickliffe Oparanya, should focus on creating sustainable enterprises that generate employment opportunities for the poor and marginalized instead of competing for government jobs meant for the underprivileged and unemployed.

Odinga's decision to exploit the situation for personal gain, disregarding the principles of integrity and accountability that once defined his legacy, has raised questions about his true character.

Initiating a political deal with the ruling government when Kenyans strive for self-determination is an unfathomable tragedy for Kenya's democratic future. Odinga's political clout has been punctured, and he should yield the leadership of the Azimio coalition to Kalonzo Musyoka of the Wiper Democratic Movement.

As Odinga nears the twilight of his political career, he must begin nurturing emerging leaders to pass the baton to. To redeem his image, he should own up and apologize unequivocally for betraying the aspirations of Kenya's young people. Otherwise, his political legacy, built over 40 years, maybe tarnished.

It is widely acknowledged that during a national crisis, leaders from diverse political backgrounds should put aside their differences and pursue the collective good of the country. However, while supporters of Odinga may view his recent move through this lens, the majority perceive it as a self-centred decision that prioritizes personal gain over the greater good.

This perception is fueled by Odinga's failure to consider the youth in the list of cabinet appointments from his party, despite their significant role in driving the recent protests against the government. The youth, who were instrumental in creating the conditions for Odinga's party to be included in the government, feel betrayed by his lack of consideration.

It is worth noting that if Generation Z had not revolted against the current government, Odinga would not have had the opportunity to have members of his party appointed to the cabinet. In essence, he is reaping benefits from a field he did not cultivate or sow.

This perceived lack of consideration for the youth has led many to view Odinga's move as opportunistic and self-serving. Some believe the ODM leader is genuine, while others think it's time to expose his web of deceit and pretense.

Critics argue that Odinga's cabinet nominees, including billionaire politicians like Ali Hassan Joho and Wickliffe Oparanya, should focus on creating sustainable enterprises that generate employment opportunities for the poor and marginalized instead of competing for government jobs meant for the underprivileged and unemployed.

Odinga's decision to exploit the situation for personal gain, disregarding the principles of integrity and accountability that once defined his legacy, has raised questions about his true character. Initiating a political deal with the ruling government when Kenyans are striving for self-determination is an unfathomable tragedy for Kenya's democratic future. Odinga's political clout has been punctured, and he should yield the leadership of the Azimio coalition to Kalonzo Musyoka of the Wiper Democratic Movement.

Odinga's newfound alliance with the current government has eroded the confidence Kenyans once had in him. As he approaches the end of his political career, he must start mentoring emerging leaders to ensure a smooth transition and allow a new generation to take the reins. To redeem his image, he should unequivocally own up to and apologize for betraying the aspirations of Kenya's young people. If he fails to do so, his 40-year political legacy may be tarnished, leaving a lasting impact on Kenya's political landscape.

Nyaringo, serves as the President of the Kenya Patriotic Movement, a diaspora lobby group based in the United States.

Gachagua's Revenge: Will He Spill the Beans on Ruto's Government after impeachment?

By Joseph Lister Nyaringo Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's potential exit from President William Ruto's government could be a ble...